Chapter 1022 Don't Be Afraid, You Won't Fall

After hesitating for three or four seconds, I mustered up the courage to lie down on the ground. God knows that it will take courage even if I get what I want, just like now.

It's summer now, and she didn't wear much clothes. She lay on his back, and could clearly smell the masculine aura on his body, which made her face burn hot and red all the way to the base of her ears.

His clothes were a little sweaty after the battle just now, and although he felt a little sticky when lying on the ground, he didn't hate it at all, but it made her feel a little dazed.

Perhaps this is one of the smells in first love, the smell of sweat from the person you like.

"Are you ready?"

When she was in a trance, she heard his voice coming from the front, and the slight vibration when he spoke was transmitted to her sensory nerves through his back, as if adding to her heartbeat.


After she answered, Jiang Luofan stood up steadily, his first reaction was that this girl was really light, much lighter than Xiao Wan.

When she lay on his stomach, he didn't feel any extra, because he only regarded her as a friend.

Compared to Ah Yu's secret joyful excitement at this time, Jiang Luofan was extremely calm. If she knew, it might be like pouring cold water from head to toe.

The road down the mountain is not very easy. After all, it has been covered by miasma for many years, and there are almost no traces of being walked on. The mudstone road is covered with moss.

With her on his back, Jiang Luofan had to hold on to the trees while walking, and occasionally the soles of his feet slipped a few times, which made her let out a few low exclamations in fright.

He heard the sound and smiled: "Don't be afraid, you won't fall."


She was worried that if he fell and hurt herself, she would feel distressed, but she couldn't let him find out about this.

On the way, he was carrying her on his back, a lot of sweat dripped from his forehead, she took out a tissue to wipe it off for him, his hair and clothes were soaked, especially where they were close together...

It would be embarrassing to have wet marks when he got off his back later.

But fortunately, when they reached the meeting point, the others hadn't come back yet, so I don't know if they are safe now.

Jiang Luofan was worried about leaving Ah Yu here alone, but he was also worried about An Xiangwan and the others, and occasionally sighed secretly, hoping that they would come back soon.

After waiting for more than two hours, no one came back to gather. Jiang Luofan stood up from time to time and looked towards the top of the mountain behind him, hoping to see An Xiangwan and the two babies soon...

Ah Yu knew that he was worried, and seeing him like this, he always felt that it was his fault, so he said, "How about we go find it?"

Jiang Luofan wanted to nod at first, but looking at the injuries on her body, he thought about it again and shook his head: "No need, I should be back soon."

"Is there really no need to go?"

Ah Yu was also worried that his friends would not be able to beat those demon Shura, so why did the three well-spoken clans chase after them?
Could it be that he was aware of her identity and wanted to harm her?
If this is the case, then these guys will not be able to stay.

"Well, just sit here and wait, they are stronger than me."

Compared with Zong Che, Jiang Luofan is really far behind him.

The strength of that male ghost is really amazing. I don’t know how to catch up with him. After catching up, he can protect his big and small babies. Although they are protected by male ghosts, he wants to be their backing , when the male ghost is unreliable, there is still him who can protect him.

(End of this chapter)

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