Chapter 1024 Be brave at this time, so that people won't feel hypocritical. [Six more]

"Oh, I see."

Jiang Luofan nodded, and they went in after Chen Wei entered.

A Yu kept his head down all the time. When he saw Chen Wei just now, he immediately put his glasses back on, hid behind Jiang Luofan, put down his ponytail, braided it into two braids, and recovered. When she came, she looked like a dumb, obedient girl.

When Jiang Luofan called her, he suddenly found that her appearance had returned to normal...

For a moment, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Could it be that he had an illusion today?
A Yu pretended to be nonchalant and followed them into the mansion.

An Xiangwan and the others also felt very strange looking at it, why her appearance...

Girls' minds are sometimes weird, especially in front of the person they like, they like to get entangled.

But when An Xiangwan was chasing Zong Che, she had never been like this before, so she couldn't understand.

After entering the room, Gong Ze and Lin Yan entered the room to dispense the medicine, and asked An Xiangwan and the others to wait in the living room. After the preparation was finished, they distributed the medicine. Jiang Luofan was responsible for administering the medicine to Ah Yu, which was entirely his responsibility. scope.

Jiang Luofan took the medicine and looked at A Yu's wounds with a sorry face. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have suffered so many injuries. The wounds lay across her fair and delicate skin, which was shocking to watch.

"Does it hurt?"

Jiang Luofan applied the ointment to her carefully, very lightly, for fear of hurting her.

Ah Yu gritted his teeth slightly, shook his head and said, "It doesn't hurt..."

Be brave at this time, so that people will not feel that you are hypocritical.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Luofan felt even more sorry in his heart.

"It's my fault this time, I'm really sorry for hurting you."

"No, it's just that I'm so useless, I can't help you at all, and I've caused you trouble."

A Yu quickly waved her hand, in fact, it was because she hurt herself on purpose, otherwise those demon Shura wouldn't be able to hurt her at all.

Seeing her say that, Jiang Luofan felt even more sorry, gave her a helpless look, and continued to give her medicine.

Ah Yu thought Jiang Luofan would keep her because of this injury, but it didn't work out. When it was time for dinner, he just asked, "Are you going back after dinner here? Or do you have to go back now?" ?”

She almost choked on her own saliva after listening to it, she was so hurt, why didn't she stay here?
"Uh... let's go back after dinner."

Otherwise, what else could she do? He even said he wanted her to leave. It seemed that he was still not tempted by her. It seemed that he was doing his best.

However, if Ah Yu knew that the person Jiang Luofan liked was An Xiangwan, I don't know how she would react.

It's just that Ah Yu never guessed what the person Jiang Luofan liked would be like, thinking that he had no one he liked.

At dinner, Ah Yu sat next to Jiang Luofan, and occasionally when she couldn't pick up any food, he would help to pick it up into her bowl with the serving chopsticks.

When ordering food, taking into account her injury, I will also help her to cook.

Therefore, Ah Yu's affection for him has risen to liking, and now he likes him more and more. He is really considerate and a gentleman, which makes her like it so much.

A Yu felt that if he didn't have a crush on her, what else could it be?
Gong Ze looked interesting, this was Jiang Luofan's only considerate girl besides Xiao Wan.

An Xiangwan naturally hoped that Jiang Luofan would fall in love with A Yu, so that she could rest assured.

Of course, Zong Che hoped that Jiang Luofan could get along with Ah Yu, so that his wife and children would not always be missed.

As for Jiang Luofan, he just took extra care of A Yu because he didn't protect her enough today, which caused her to be injured.

The woman in his heart is still An Xiangwan.

(End of this chapter)

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