Chapter 1025 He made me feel a little uncomfortable. [one more]

After dinner, Ah Yu took a break, Jiang Luofan looked at the time, it was already dark, worried that it would be unsafe for her to go home too late, so she got up and said to send her back, after all, she was injured, at least it would take tomorrow to recover .

In fact, Ah Yu doesn't need to go home tonight, but the girl Jiajia must not take the initiative to say to stay, she must be reserved.

If a woman makes a man feel that she is too easy to get, he will not cherish it.


She had to get up, nodded, God knows how much she didn't want to leave.

"Let's go." Jiang Luofan could naturally see what she was thinking, but since he couldn't respond to her, he naturally wouldn't give her any extra thoughts.

But he thought so, but what he did made her deeply misunderstood.

Which girl would not be tempted by such thoughtful actions tonight, and he is so seductive and attractive.

Seeing that Chen Wei was fascinated by him-of course, this A Yu didn't know, if she knew that she had a male rival in love, she didn't know how she would react.

Jiang Luofan sent her to the usual drop-off location, and wanted to watch her get into the car before leaving, but Ah Yu insisted that he didn't need it, so he could only tell her, "Be careful on the way back."

She nodded back and said, "I will." Then she turned and left.

He originally wanted to leave directly, but then he was worried, and decided to leave after watching her get on the car safely from a distance, but he saw an unexpected scene.

She didn't know who she called, and after a short meeting, a cloud-shaped convertible car came to pick her up. The girl driving the car looked like a high school student, looking dull, even more dull than Ah Yu's usual dress.

Because the distance was too far, Jiang Luofan didn't hear what they were talking about. After watching Ah Yu get on the cloud car, the door just closed and the car started, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

For a split second he had guessed A Yu's identity, but in the next second he guessed that maybe this was just a service like the Didi Express on Yangjie's side, so he didn't think about it again.

Ah Yu didn't know that Jiang Luofan saw him when he got into the car, and on the way back, he complained to Xiaocai unwillingly.

"He made me worry about gain and loss, a little uncomfortable."

"Oh, that's what it's like to be in love."

Xiao Cai said it as if she had been in a relationship, obviously her hair didn't even grow.

"You have never been in a relationship, so you have no right to express a definite opinion."

A Yu pretended to be annoyed and gave Xiao Cai a white look, still wondering whether Jiang Luofan had a crush on her or not.

Xiao Cai had no choice but to keep her mouth shut when she heard her young lady's words. She seemed not qualified to say that, after all, she had never even liked a boy.

Just when I thought of this, I noticed the injury on the young lady's body, and immediately asked her in fright: "Miss, what's the matter with the injury on your body?"

There are not many people who can hurt her in the summit of Vientiane.

"Oh this, bitter trick."

Speaking of these injuries, she couldn't help but smile like a flower on her face. This trick was used very well, and there was still physical intimate contact today. When she went to look for him tomorrow, she thought about what trick she wanted to use.

"How can I seduce him..."

She sat in the car thinking naively, and couldn't help muttering.

"Hey—Miss! Can you calm down, think about how noble you are, and you actually want to seduce a guy who is not as strong as you. Except for that skin, he can't protect you, okay? Any bodyguard in our family is worse than him."

(End of this chapter)

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