Chapter 1099 My son has a suggestion
"Heh." Looking at the bright face of the woman in the photo on the information, the Grand Duke laughed coldly.

The long night passed, and at seven o'clock the next morning, the Grand Duke entered the Imperial City Hall of Political Affairs for the morning court.

As soon as his cloud car stopped at the Imperial City Square, he got out of the car, and many officials came to greet him, and the scene was not small.

Because today is a routine early court, although the emperor is guilty, he still has to wear official uniforms.

Thinking about how he was in the past and the Dagong now, how much he was fawned on by those sloppy officials, now he is so lonely, there is no one around him, and no one goes to say hello to him.

But the emperor didn't care, he just came to pester him, and he was so happy that his ears were clear. After this incident, he also saw many people's hearts clearly.

It goes without saying that there are too many people who make trouble when they are in trouble.

At 07:30, all the civil and military officials in the main hall of political affairs had been seated and waited for a long time. As soon as the old clan kings entered the door, they immediately stood up collectively. After the ritual officer finished commanding the customary salute and the clan king sat down, they could sit down one by one according to their official positions.

At the early court meeting, the Grand Duke did not submit the investigations to the officials for discussion in front of the officials. Instead, he went up to follow the clan king to the apse study after he retreated from the court.

The emperor followed his guards back to the emperor's mansion to stay well. Before he left, the Grand Duke glanced back at him thoughtfully, then hummed softly, and hurriedly followed in the footsteps of Laozi, the king of the clan.

After entering the study room, the Clan King had just sat down, when he saw a nervous look, and handed a projection of a document in front of him.

The clan king didn't know what he was going to show him. After he opened it and read it carefully, his brows had already gathered into a deep "river".

The still clear and shrewd old eyes raised and landed on the Grand Duke, looked at him seriously for two or three seconds before asking: "Is it really the information obtained from the trial?"

"Pearls are not so real." The Grand Duke said in a firm tone, looking forward to seeing the imminent disaster of the emperor's mansion.

The clan king sighed secretly, and looked down at the photo of the famous human female death row prisoner, then turned on the computer projector, opened the folder, opened the hidden confidential information with eye recognition verification, and called out the long-lost photo. The electronic photo of the woman in that photo looks almost like a female death row prisoner...

It can be seen that this female death row prisoner has extremely high bloodlines, perhaps when she was sentenced to the death row, it was because she had a close relationship with that woman.

He has never seen this woman, which means that it happened before he was born, looking at the date of judgment... It is indeed a long time ago, no wonder.

After ten lifetimes, she can still come back alive. I really underestimated her ability. She must not be allowed to take back the container, otherwise she will come back to seek revenge. The events of that year are recorded in history, and the ancestors also gave them a representative. Generational warnings.

Emperor's Mansion...

The son and granddaughter who were supposed to be his favorite and favorite, actually helped that female death row prisoner...

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed across the clan king's eyes.

Just when he wanted to kill, he heard the Grand Duke say to him: "Father, why don't you take this matter and let the emperor take the crime and make meritorious deeds, what do you think?"

The clan king looked at him after listening, the old man knew what kind of child he was born, and what the Grand Duke was thinking, he could more or less guess the general idea.

Seeing that Lao Tzu just looked at him without speaking, the Grand Duke would soon realize that he was waiting for his next words.

"My son has a suggestion, that is, let the emperor personally bring back the girl Ayu, the master and the servant, and by the way, kill the female prisoner to be executed on the spot..."

 Today's update is complete, babies who have recommended tickets and monthly tickets remember to vote for Yunyun~ Memoza~
(End of this chapter)

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