Chapter 1100 The right eyelid twitched violently
After hearing his son's words, the clan king narrowed his eyes, and sure enough, his son's thoughts...

Although that is a way, I hope he knows how to measure it and don't overdo it.

"This is the worst strategy. Don't hurt the brotherhood between you brothers. No matter what, Xiaoyu is your niece. Fa also needs human affection to have warmth."

His laws are ruthless.

Of course the Grand Duke can hear that the clan king and I still don't want his granddaughter to suffer, and the emperor is also a person he holds in high esteem. If it wasn't for the fact that A Yuna girl committed a crime this time, I'm afraid that the person standing here talking to the clan king will return her turn. not to him.

No matter what he said, he had to seize the opportunity to eradicate the female death row prisoners from the Imperial General's Mansion and the human race.

"My son understands, my son will go now."

After the Grand Duke said respectfully, he left the imperial city and returned to his mansion.

On the way back, the grand duke glanced at him through the rearview mirror from the passenger seat in the cloud car.

"Early tomorrow morning, when the clan king's dispatch order comes down, you will send someone to accompany you to the emperor's mansion with the order."

Now he only hopes to achieve his goal as soon as possible, seeing the result is getting closer and closer, he can't wait for his world to come soon.

"Understood, don't worry, Grand Duke, tomorrow the subordinates will do well."

On the second seat was a man in his early thirties with a plain face and hostility hidden in his eyes.

The dispatch order was sent to the Grand Duke's Mansion as scheduled, and the envoys in the imperial city had just left. The man who received the Grand Duke's order last night had already arranged for manpower, and he had already brought people to the Emperor's Mansion before the order was heated up.

Now the Grand Duke just hopes that the emperor will quickly bring back that dead girl, A Yu. As for the little maid, it doesn't matter whether she is caught or not, it's not a problem anyway.

The Imperial General's Mansion originally thought that the Grand Duke would be able to calm down, but who knows that just one day later, they sent people to make trouble again. The thing they have been most worried about for a long time will eventually happen.

The emperor and the grand lady had just sat down to have breakfast with their children, when a servant came over and announced: "My lord, madam, the people from the grand duke's mansion are here, saying they are here to issue an order."

"Did you say what order to announce?"

Hearing this, the emperor had an ominous premonition in his heart, and he and the eldest lady looked at each other. The other wives are not familiar with these things, and they even want their children to be clean, so don't get involved. On the other hand, they will take their children and make peace with the emperor.

This kind of mentality is exactly the verification of the ugly saying: "Husband and wife are like birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes".

But they can't be blamed either. Over the years, the emperor has been doting on the eldest lady and A Yu brothers and sisters alone. The other brothers and sisters are always showing favor and weakness to them just because the brothers and sisters are favored.

But now it's different, since they lost power, they don't need to treat them with inferior attitude.

From the day of Alan's accident, the brothers and sisters' attitude towards him has changed greatly. One can imagine the hearts of the people.

The eldest lady is the original match of the emperor. No matter what happens, she has to think about the family. She can't control other people. She only wants her little fish to be safe and clear up her grievances as soon as possible.

But she can't seem to wait.

Hearing the servant said that people from the Grand Duke's Mansion were coming to issue orders, his right eyelid twitched violently, and his heart was uneasy and difficult to calm down.

She followed the emperor to the living room to meet the people from the Grand Duke's Mansion. There were five people in total. After they arrived, the leading man signaled his subordinates to turn on the projector.

(End of this chapter)

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