Chapter 139 Don't get in the way, just tear it up

"Miss An, I'm just here to return the grave deed to Brother Che. Why are you being so unreasonable? I know that you must be so resentful towards me because of the pile that happened last time, but my nanny has already been punished." Due punishment, I have been away to practice for many years, the original tomb has long since changed hands, now brother Che just reminisces about the past and arranges a cemetery for me, but you..."

As she spoke, Yao'er shed two lines of blood and tears, raised her sleeves and wiped it lightly, sipping softly, looking so pitiful.

"Scared? Miss Yao'er, are you here to perform?" An Xiangwan said, throwing the torn grave deed on the coffee table. This white lotus really knows how to perform. People all over the world owe her a golden statue .

As soon as she finished speaking, a cloud of Yin Qi gathered from all directions behind her, followed by Zong Che's solemn and low voice.

"What's going on?"

An Xiangwan's back froze with guilt when he heard the sound - Oops!
Just now, in a moment of impulsiveness, he tore up his grave deed. I don't know if he will lose his temper.

"Brother Che, I came here tonight to return the grave deed, but Miss An somehow tore up the deed."

Qiao'er cried and said, trying to show her innocence.

After hearing what Yao'er said, An Xiangwan was a little guilty at first, so he smiled sarcastically.

"Yes, that's right, I tore up the grave deed."

Now it's time for the male ghost to choose who to help, if he chooses Jiao'er, she will accept it.

Zong Che frowned as he watched the flames of war.

"Brother Che, Ms. An doesn't seem to be happy that you arranged for me to board the tomb. If that's the case, I'll look for it in another area. I... don't want to affect the harmony between you and Ms. An because of my relationship."

Yao'er was crying heavily, and she raised her sleeves to wipe away the blood and tears as she spoke.

Such a trick is to retreat and advance, it seems that she underestimated her ability.

An Xiangwan turned his face to the side and glanced at the male ghost behind him from the corner of his eye. Now he wanted to hear his reaction and what he would say, so he gritted his teeth secretly and endured it.

Zong Che looked down at the displeased little woman on the sofa, and then at the torn torn grave deed on the coffee table. How dare she be the reincarnation of a wild cat?

"It's okay, just tear it up, it's hers after all, as for the tomb, you can live in peace, it's a gift from your sister-in-law."

After hearing what he said, An Xiangwan couldn't help complaining in his heart: I'm not that generous, you're the only one who can't see its purpose clearly, hmph.

Thinking about it, he just responded dryly: "Hehe."

If she could, she would hammer down the cemetery and not give it to Qiang'er to live in.

After hearing Zong Che's words, Mao'er looked at An Xiangwan's angry face, with a victorious smile hidden in her eyes, but on the surface she pretended to frowned and sighed.

"Brother Che...I'm sorry..."


Zong Che replied lightly, thinking about how to explain to An Xiangwan. In the Yang world, a man giving a woman a house is very similar to a golden house... although he didn't mean it that way.

An Xiangwan was indeed angry, and got up unhappy to go back to her room: "Okay, if that's the case, let's stay here, I'm tired, so excuse me."

Go upstairs to the room.

He loves to be ditty, and he doesn't want to line up with a low-ranked hot chick like Yao'er.

Zong Che saw that he was not in the mood to deal with Yao'er again and said, "You go back first."

He quickly floated up the stairs to catch up.

Seeing this, Mao'er clenched her fists in secret, and looked at Zong Che's back as he chased An Xiangwan with hatred. She would not stop there, brother Che was hers, and no one could take it away.

(End of this chapter)

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