Chapter 140 When did he understand humor.

An Xiangwan wanted to go back to the room, but felt a dark energy chasing after him, and went straight to the roof.

She is very angry now, she wants to see the male ghost but does not want to see it, she hopes that he will coax her, but when she thinks of him sending Mao'er to the grave, she is very unwilling, this two-footed playboy.

"What are you doing here?"

She sat down on the bench with all her strength, turned away, and didn't want to talk to him tenderly, but she really hoped that he wouldn't go away and come over to coax her with a stern face.

"If you sit on the chair so hard, it will hurt."

After the male ghost said this, An Xiangwan wanted to be angry but couldn't.

When did he understand humor.

However, she is the one who hurts from sitting hard, but he cares about the chair, damn it!

"It's none of your business, you go, I don't want to talk to you."

Zong Che looked at the gas-suffering little person, floated to her side and sat down silently, staring at the endless dark sea in the distance, the stars, moon and dark clouds reflected in it, it looked very dreamy.

In the distance came the "crash" of the waves hitting the reef repeatedly, and a few intermittent crickets came quietly from some small corner.

He sighed: "It's natural to relax your mind."

What he said had no other meaning, he just wanted to express that when he was troubled, he would look at the sea and find that he was actually very small.

Some people are unwilling to be weak, and want to become stronger, and even want to conquer the whole world. It is obviously very tiring, but that does not stop the pursuers from their ambitious steps.

An Xiangwan was upright now, and immediately misunderstood what he said, turned around and glared at the male ghost angrily: "You mean I'm too narrow-minded and petty?"

When the man turned around, Zong Che saw the reddish look of grievance at the end of her eyes, his heart softened immediately, and he stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms.

"Xiao'er can't shake your Zong's wife's position, and grandpa won't let her into the Zong's house, you can rest assured." There was a bit of tenderness in the words.

"Yeah, grandpa won't let her in, but you are partial to her and give special treatment...I don't want you to treat her better than me..."

An Xiangwan said sourly, then turned around and turned his back on him in embarrassment.

After hearing this, Zong Che's thin lips raised slightly in a nice arc, and his red ears were very eye-catching from his black hair, so he couldn't help but move closer to tease her.

"Yes, but... that depends on whether you can take good care of your husband..."

Hearing that An Xiangwan's heart was stimulated by his words, it was beating fast like thunder, and it reverberated in her ears, making her vision and brain consciousness a little dizzy.

Waiting or something, she, she, she...

"What kind of service, I don't understand..."

Yes, at times like this she has to be crazy and stupid.

This pervert is becoming more and more outrageous.

"Ma'am, what I'm talking about is a secret in the room." Zong Che turned sideways, covering the petite person, and aggressively turned her body to face him.

An Xiangwan was a little at a loss, and didn't dare to look directly at his face, for fear that if he took another look, he would get dizzy even more. It's a good thing he said such a thing so blatantly.

"No shame, no shame..."

She tried her best to scold him, but in the end she was overwhelmed by his coldness and softness. Her brain was like a time bomb, which exploded in an instant and became blurred.

He put one hand on the back of the chair, hugged her tightly with the other and rubbed her into his arms, tasting her mellowness, the warm breath from the tip of her nose, the gradually warming body temperature, and his clear Yin Qi, Each other seems to be in the world of ice and fire.

(End of this chapter)

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