Chapter 1502 His Heart Will Always Be An Xiangwan's

Watching Xiaohui TV in the living room, Zheng Lanyin received a call from her mother, telling her that she would be busy at Wuweizi's stall tonight, and many guests came to patronize her, asking her to cook for herself.

After Zheng Lanyin heard this, she felt refreshed. Her mother and master were really helpful. They made space for her to live with Jiang Luofan. Then she will show off her cooking skills tonight and catch his stomach as soon as possible, so that she can get his as soon as possible. Heart.

Although it has been proven twice that grabbing a man's stomach may not necessarily win his heart, she still wants to try hard because of this. It's a good way, isn't it?

In fact, Wuweizi and Zheng's mother hoped that Zheng Lanyin and Jiang Luofan could make a pair, was very difficult. Their Lanyin's appearance was average, not bad, but not too pretty, maybe she I have been alone since I was a child, I have no friends, and I don’t have a girlfriend like other girls, so there is no comparison.

Jiang Luofan knew what they were thinking, but that was impossible. He only had An Xiangwan in his heart. Whether she was alone, or married Zong Che once again and had children, he would never pretend If another woman goes in, his heart will always be An Xiangwan.

Time passed by in silence, the only sound in the room was the sound of cartoons on the TV, and the sun outside the floor-to-ceiling windows slanted to the west little by little, shining its figure to the east.

Zheng Lanyin saw that it was about the same time, so she got up and went to the kitchen to cook. She didn't know what Jiang Luofan liked to eat, so she made what she was good at.

Although scrambled eggs with tomatoes sounds easy, it is another matter to fry them deliciously, so I said that this is what she is good at. Stir-fried rape is also one of them. They are all home-cooked dishes, not like a restaurant The ones here are so exquisite, but every dish looks very appetizing.

In addition to these two dishes, she also cooked radish and pork lung soup, which was put into the pot before the rice was cooked, and added a taro stuffed chicken, three dishes and one soup on the table.

Jiang Luofan was a little surprised, and praised her: "The craftsmanship looks good."

"Thank you, try to see if it suits your appetite."

Zheng Lanyin couldn't wait to see if her cooking skills could catch his stomach, as long as he found it delicious, she would be a step closer to success.

Seeing the expectation in her eyes, Jiang Luofan picked up his chopsticks and tried every dish, nodding in praise that the taste was good, not just polite words, it was really good, even better than Zheng's mother's cooking.

Hearing his praise, Zheng Lanyin couldn't help but be secretly happy, because he said it was delicious, as long as it could satisfy his taste buds, it was a small satisfaction.

After dinner, Jiang Luofan helped clean up the table, which made Zheng Lanyin feel like a newlywed couple, but the day when they can really become husband and wife may still be far away...

It may never be realistic, but even if it is true, it shouldn't matter to her...

The situation remained the same after the meal, and Wu Weizi and Zheng's mother came back with two black bags after nine o'clock in the evening, which contained the money from selling the goods today.

When they came back, they poured it on the coffee table and asked Zheng Lanyin to help them count how much money they had sold so far. Both of them felt that their voices were hoarse today.

Zheng Lanyin thought what the master and mother were going to do, but who knew that they would throw money as soon as they came back, which is amazing!
"This is today's turnover, let's count together."

(End of this chapter)

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