Chapter 1503 Going to Shanghai to see a doctor this time may make her unhappy and return

Wu Weizi has opened the stall for so long, and he has never tried to clear out almost all the items in the stall in one day. Today, he really stepped on a dog shit when he went out.

Jiang Luofan sat on the sofa calmly, looking at the pile of money dumped on the coffee table, Xiaohui had already received the total amount.

"Don't count, 49 and seven yuan."

The three of them were shocked when they heard the sound: "!"

Wu Weizi couldn't believe it. This monk is a god, right? You can tell how much the amount is just by looking at it?

"You really didn't coax me?"

Jiang Luofan shook his head: "If you don't believe me, you can count."

"...We sold more than 49 goods a day. Is this magic stick business so easy?"

Mother Zheng always felt that Wuweizi was a magic stick, she was shocked and said what was in her heart, and then felt Wuweizi looked at her in disbelief, she noticed it and looked back...


Did she say something wrong?
Compared with Monk Jiang, Wu Weizi is really just a magic stick.

"Don't count. I'm too sleepy today. I'm going to go on a long trip with Mr. Jiang tomorrow. I'll go to wash and sleep first. Master, you and my mother can count slowly."

A man like Jiang Luofan is simply perfect, with equal emphasis on beauty and wisdom, she, a scumbag, should try her best to catch up with him.

The next morning, Mother Zheng made breakfast, and after eating with Wu Weizi, she went directly to the stall. When she was going out, Jiang Luofan just came out of the room. Unexpectedly, the two of them had been busy for a whole day yesterday, and today they had to fight chicken blood. It seems that getting up so early, at this age, can still be so energetic, which is very good.

Earlier, he was worried that Mother Zheng would be depressed for a long time because of her ex-husband.

After all, when Zheng Lanyin asked her to divorce her ex-husband, she held a kitchen knife around her neck and dared not divorce her life or death.

A woman's heart is really difficult to understand, just like when An Xiangwan was pierced by Zong Che's sword in the first place, and almost kicked her to have a miscarriage, after she recovered from her injury, she still insisted on looking for him. To make Zong Che change his mind.

And he, the man who has been silently by her side and loved her deeply, has never had the slightest emotion he longed for in her heart.

In the end, at her insistence, when his prodigal son returned, he loved her and her two children more than before.

But he could only be someone else after all, and in the end he was not even qualified to protect her, because she and Zong Che were stronger than him.

Even if he got the container back now, his strength is still not as good as the two of them, what a shame.

While he was thinking, Zheng Lanyin walked up to him at some point, seeing him in a daze thinking about something, she stretched out her hand and waved in front of his eyes.

"Mr. Jiang, what are you thinking?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Luofan came back to his senses, and his handsome eyebrows frowned slightly and looked at her: "It's nothing, let's have breakfast first, the plane at [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

Zheng Lanyin nodded, full of anticipation for the upcoming journey. I wonder if there will be further development with him after going to Shanghai?

The more I think about it, the more I look forward to it...

But she didn't know that going to Shanghai to see a doctor this time might make her return unhappy.

It was impossible for Jiang Luofan to let her and An Xiangwan meet, because history could not be destroyed, and because every change in detail might cause danger in the future, he didn't want to change anything...

After breakfast, Zheng Lanyin originally wanted to take a big suitcase to go out, but as soon as she took her out of the room, Jiang Luofan told her to just take the phone key with her.

(End of this chapter)

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