Chapter 1504 Let him startled suddenly, this guy is not human [six more]

After flying in the clear blue sky for more than two hours, the plane finally landed smoothly at Modu International Airport.

After getting off the plane, Jiang Luofan went directly to the airport and took Zheng Lanyin to the parking lot to pick up the car. This car was bought when he was in Shanghai last time. It was a sports car of a well-known international brand. It was very cool. Too angry.

When Zheng Lanyin saw it, she almost didn't dare to sit in it. She only occasionally saw pictures of this kind of luxury car on the website, saying that the richest man in the world has bought tens of millions of sports cars...

That kind of magic car is simply a legend in her life. Right now, she is about to sit on it, and suddenly she has the illusion that the domineering president is in love with me.


Jiang Luofan saw that she was staring at the passenger door in a daze, and reminded her in a urging tone.

Only then did she come to her senses, opened the door and carefully got into the car. The first experience of this luxury car is that everything can be said without words, because it can only be understood, but cannot be expressed in words. It is always two words in the mood - vanity.

If it wasn't for Jiang Luofan, she would definitely take out her phone and take some pictures of herself, post them on Moments, and let those classmates who looked down on her in the past take a look...


She hasn't taken any photos of her current house yet, so when she gets home, she has to show it off. She is now considered a rich and beautiful woman, although there is still a long way to go... Cough.

With wild thoughts, Jiang Luofan started the car steadily in all directions, heading towards the People's Hospital of the Magic City. Today is Wednesday, and Gong Ze must be at work.

Gong Ze and Zong Che got to know each other earlier than An Xiangwan, because Zong Che's cave is just behind Gongze's villa, and he has been there several times. Back then, An Xiangwan asked him to find a thousand-year-old gloomy wood to order a joint burial coffin , I thought she was needed by that relative, but I didn't expect it to be made for her and that male ghost.

Thinking about it now, I really feel that I was so naive and ridiculous that I actually made wedding dresses for other ghosts.

However, in this history, in this parallel world, I will continue to do that.

As for why An Xiangwan replaced the one in Zong Che's cave in the first place, I don't know. He has never pursued this matter deeply because it was unnecessary.

Along the way, the two had their own thoughts, and the car arrived at the Municipal People's Hospital in about [-] minutes.

As soon as the luxury car passed the hospital gate, it blinded many car lovers.

This car is the latest and most eye-catching luxury car this year. There are only two in the world. People who know the goods have long been so excited to take pictures and upload them on the Internet.

The world of the rich is really hard for ordinary people to understand.

Spend so much money to buy a car, and it is not crashworthy. If there is a car accident, you may face unrecognizable results.

Gong Ze happened to pass through the corridor of the inpatient department, and just now he was caught by Jiang Luofan's flamboyant car, and he was inevitably agitated.

"It's been a long time. This sports car, which has been in the headlines for less than a month, actually drove to our hospital!"

No, the owner of the luxury car came to him today.

He watched the owner get out of the car. After a short while, the man raised his eyes and met his gaze, which made him startled suddenly. This guy is not human. He can meet his gaze from such a distance ?
When Jiang Luofan entered the hospital, he had already opened his consciousness, in order to find Gongze's location more quickly. Unexpectedly, when he got out of the car, he saw him standing idly on the seventh floor opposite him, looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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