Chapter 1525 Let her fend for herself? 【Fifth watch】

"Come down."

Jiang Luofan felt very embarrassed now, how could this girl have such a wild side, which surprised him but also made him feel scared.

"I don't, unless you take the initiative to kiss me, or I won't go down."

Zheng Lanyin feels like she's drunk now, she's so courageous, isn't she afraid that Jiang Luofan will turn his back on her, and never get in touch with her in the future?

"I'll count to three, if you don't go down, I'll throw you down."

Jiang Luofan gritted his teeth a little bit, now he can't accept women other than An Xiangwan at all, not to mention his heart, his body is even more resistant, he will react because he dreamed of An Xiangwan in a dream just now, and it happened to be like this Touched, he will have a reaction.

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll take the initiative."

When Zheng Lanyin finished speaking and was about to kiss him, Jiang Luofan slapped his mouth.

"Have you made enough trouble? If you do this, you will stay here by yourself."

Jiang Luofan became irritable and looked very displeased.

Zheng Lanyin knew that she had gone too far, so she let go, got up from his lap, and walked back to bed to sleep.

For the next few days, she didn't do anything to Jiang Luofan, and even treated him like air.

On the surface it was like this, but in fact she didn't know how to face him, so she pretended not to see him until Gong Ze told her that she could be discharged from the hospital.

However, Jiang Luofan had no plans to return to Hong Kong City. Zheng Lanyin knew that he continued to stay in Shanghai because of that woman named Xiaowan.

Since he won't go back, then she can go back by herself.

Jiang Luofan asked her to stay in Modu as well, because they were going to Wudang soon, so they got there a week in advance.

During this period of time, he opened a presidential suite in the hotel with a luxurious configuration of two bedrooms and one living room.

There are tools for exorcism in this hotel, and Jiang Luofan told her that it is safe at night, and the evil spirit on her body has been cleared away, and there will be no more ghosts coming to her, that is to say, he will not come again at night. Watching in her room.

After Jiang Luofan left the hospital, he erased all the memories of the days when Gongze was with them. He didn't want Zheng Lanyin to be remembered at the Zhang family banquet, and Zheng Lanyin's memory of Gongze also faded day by day, and finally forgot. .

Everything is so that history will not change because of him.

Since she settled in the hotel, she hardly saw Jiang Luofan, but she knew where he went and who he met...

There's no need to guess, he stayed in Shanghai because of that woman, the more he thought about Zheng Lanyin, the more he envied that woman, for being able to win Jiang Luofan's heart.

Just why aren't they together?
When she was free every day, Zheng Lanyin took some time to buy some special products in the magic city and send them to her mother and master.

Master asked her on WeChat every day: Have you set off for Wudang?
He also said that the business at the stall has been booming recently, and he and her mother were so soft that they counted the money.

For some reason, I always feel that she is the most free now.

Jiang Luofan also said to ask her to do her homework before going to the Zhang family banquet, but he is not there every day, probably because of what happened last time, he has already planned to give up teaching her the knowledge of exorcism, and let her fend for herself, right?

If that's the case, you can say that you don't take her to Wudang. Wouldn't it be good if you don't communicate with each other forever?
But he didn't say anything, and just let her idle in the hotel every day, besides thinking wildly, or thinking wildly...

(End of this chapter)

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