Chapter 1526 If You Don’t Die, You Will Not Die

Jiang Luofan didn't show up until he was about to go to Wudang, together with Wuweizi.

Zheng Lanyin felt that he was trying to avoid seeing her. What happened last time made him feel bad, but even so, she didn't regret it, because she gave him her first kiss, and it was worth it.

In fact, she didn't know that Jiang Luofan's first kiss was also accidentally stolen by her. If she knew, she would definitely be very happy.

Wu Weizi, whom I hadn't seen for nearly a month, when Zheng Lanyin saw him again, found that he had gained weight. She really envied her. She lost five catties in this month...

She always hoped that she could grow a little more flesh, otherwise she would almost become an airport.

Seeing Jiang Luofan living in such a good hotel suite for his apprentice, Wu Weizi thought that his relationship with his apprentice had improved, but after asking the apprentice, he realized that it was cold.

But Zheng Lanyin didn't dare to tell his master about her sneak attack on Jiang Luofan, otherwise he would definitely be fried, and how could he say something so private.

Wuweizi came over two days before going to Wudang. During these two days, Jiang Luofan gave up his room to Wuweizi, but he still only came back when he went out very late in the morning. Know what he's up to.

Zheng Lanyin couldn't find a proper reason to ask him.

On the day of going to Wudang, the weather was not ideal and the flight was delayed. In the VIP waiting room, Jiang Luofan kept making phone calls, as if he was very busy and had no time to communicate with the master and apprentice.

Zheng Lanyin looked at him from time to time, and found that he was completely ignoring her like a passerby.

It made her feel regretful and uncomfortable. She shouldn't have been so impulsive at the time, which led to the current atmosphere. No need to guess, he will definitely part ways with her after the Zhang family banquet.

Finally, when the flight arrived and boarded the plane, Wu Weizi walked in front and Jiang Luofan walked behind, which made Zheng Lanyin nervous every step he took.

Fortunately, there was no bloody slippery foot, otherwise he would definitely think that she did it on purpose. Recently, in order to redeem her, she has tried her best to keep a safe distance from him.

But now he is becoming more indifferent every day...

In fact, Jiang Luofan didn't go far away, he was still nearby, helping her in the dark like at the beginning, because she was a task entrusted to him by the Buddha, so naturally he would not turn a blind eye to her.

As for An Xiangwan, she is still negotiating with Zong Che about signing a contract, and they were still getting in touch before the Zhang family banquet.

This time at the Zhang Family Banquet, Zheng Lanyin can see Zong Che and Zong Pu is no problem at all, because she was a martial wisdom Bodhisattva in her previous life, and her physique has changed recently, and the latent cultivation in her body has been released little by little. When the time is right, she will restore the memory and spiritual power possessed by Wu Zhi.

Their seats are connected together, and the first-class cabin is very quiet, and everyone is either sleeping or reading newspapers.

Zheng Lanyin is so big, this is the second time to fly first class, she feels a little vain but also nervous, because Jiang Luofan is sitting next to her right now, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

Totally ignored her, alas...

no Zuo no Die.

After flying for more than four hours, they finally arrived at Wudang Airport. As soon as they got off the plane, a special car picked them up the mountain.

You can go directly to the top of the mountain by taking the cableway. The wing room they live in has already been booked. Jiang Luofan didn't book the room near An Xiangwan this time, but a place far away. He didn't want Zheng Lanyin to meet An Xiangwan Night.

(End of this chapter)

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