Chapter 1599 My Woman Is the Master

There is definitely no car shop in the city center. If the car is not in a hurry, I will go to the mall to buy some things for her. In the end, I promised to get familiar with the magic city, but it turned into shopping and shopping.

There are three shopping plazas in the city center, the largest one is the Xianglu shopping mall, and the other two are farther away. Jiang Luofan will definitely not take her to the Xianglu shopping mall. The eighth jump just happened yesterday. The grievances and grievances around them have nothing to do with them, let alone this square, even after 19 years, the problem still exists.

The most indispensable thing in the shopping mall is the major world brands. Jiang Luofan led Zheng Lanyin into the store, and it was a beautiful scenery.

When I bought clothes for her, I didn't even have to try them on. I just walked into the store, looked around, and pointed out: "This one, this set, this one is size S, this pair, that pair is size 36, wrap them all up." .”

At the same time as the words fell, the bank card was handed over to the clerk, and Zheng Lanyin was stunned by the straightforwardness. How did he know her measurements?

When he was in the hospital before, he bought her underwear. Could it be that his eyes can be like a scanner, and he can get accurate data by visual inspection-is this skill too good?
After visiting half of the shopping mall, Jiang Luofan's purchases were very bold, without any hesitation, as if sending a wrong message to others that would make him envious and jealous: "My woman is in charge."

The jewelry stores in the shopping malls are too "civilian" in style. If you want to buy them, you can go to the jewelry section of the people in the city.

I have never been soft-hearted when buying jewelry. I still have a hard-line style. I just glanced at it and thought it was good. I just asked the clerk to wrap it up and swipe the card to take it away.

The two bodyguards behind him had turned back to the shopping mall for several rounds. It can be said that the back seat of a car was completely filled, and when the rear door was opened, a "spectacular" picture would pour out.

At this time, they have already called their brothers to drive over to support them. Their boss can spend too much money, and it is almost like the illusion that they will come to the riverside to make a dipper of money.

A handsome guy with endless money, and a doting little woman, this is a combination in a fairy tale, but it happened that Zheng Lanyin met her. After 20 years of hard work, now she finally came to the end of her hardships. .

However, she felt that this was just a short-lived good time.

No matter how much material he gives, it can't fill the real need in her heart. What she wants is his love for her.

Jiang Luofan understood, but he felt that he might not be able to realize her wish at all, so he could only keep giving her money, but he didn't know that this would only make her feel more lonely and empty.

After shopping, Jiang Luofan took her to the food street according to her memory. The whole street is full of food, high quality and cheap. Many young couples like to date here, and the guys who grow fat here are even more so. As many as hairs on a cow.

If it is possible, Jiang Luofan hopes that Zheng Lanyin can grow a little more flesh, she is too thin now.

Every time he visits a snack bar, as long as Zheng Lanyin says it's delicious, Jiang Luofan wants to hire the chefs in the restaurant back, so that they can make something to satisfy Zheng Lanyin's stomach at any time.

Zheng Lanyin was really anxious for this rich man who didn't know where to spend his money. The shop had managed to find a good cook who benefited a lot of foodies, but he wanted to monopolize the business of the food street for her to enjoy alone. Short life.

"No, no, no...he was joking with you, don't take it seriously..."

When she was far away from the store, she looked at him depressed and said, "What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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