Chapter 1600 Money Falling from the Sky [Second Update]

Jiang Luofan didn't think there was anything wrong with his behavior, he bought it if he liked it, it was just such a simple and rude way.

"Buy it if you like it."

"But people also need it to open a shop. Besides, if you buy one when you see one, you don't need to do business in this food street. Haven't you thought about it?"

"Then buy the whole food street, and the house will be near here in the future, so come down and eat when you're hungry."

Jiang Luofan's words were as simple as eating, and she never thought about Zheng Lanyin's mood as a little sparrow. She had seen very few big scenes, and now she felt that she was hallucinating in her ears. How could there be such a local tyrant who would buy it as soon as he said it.

However, if he bought the entire food street, the valuation of his family property in the future would be even higher.

Zheng Lanyin: "You can't tell the truth, can you?"

Jiang Luofan: "What do you think is the problem?"

Zheng Lanyin was about to explode: "Yes, there is a big problem."

Jiang Luofan frowned: "For example?"

She thought he must be teasing her: "Where did you get so much money?"

"It fell from the sky."

Seriously, his money has been praised for thousands of years, can it not be too much?There are several antiques in the warehouse. If you want to take them out, which one is not for those antique enthusiasts to fight for.


Zheng Lanyin once again deeply realized that poverty limits imagination.

This had a great impact on her, and now she was in a daze, in a trance, and it was so exciting. No one had spent so much money for her when she grew up.

"What else do you want to eat?"

Jiang Luofan seemed to ask casually, but he was worried that she would be hungry.

Zheng Lanyin touched her belly that was about to eat round, and shook her head: "It's almost there, didn't you say that you are going to familiarize yourself with the environment of the magic capital today?"

Jiang Luofan looked at her touching her belly with some amusement, like a little pregnant woman, and he didn't forget to say to her while thinking: "Then take you for a walk first, to digest it."

"it is good."

Zheng Lanyin didn't know how he became so warm today, not only today, but also during the previous class reunion, but sometimes he was also very indifferent, which made her mood go up and down like a roller coaster.

There are many places in Shanghai, and Jiang Luofan has never been there before. It is the first time to eat while walking in the snow. When he was around An Xiangwan before, he never thought of being like her, but now he is with An Xiangwan. Zheng Lanyin feels very good in this snowy day with this kind of relationship.

She was still holding the octopus balls that she hadn't finished eating just now, and it seemed that she ate one in one bite and it seemed to taste very good. He had heard of and seen this thing all the time, but he had never eaten it.

Just when Zheng Lanyin was about to put a small ball into his mouth, he suddenly lowered his head, stretched out his hand, moved her small ball to his mouth and ate it in one bite.


Zheng Lanyin was taken aback by his sudden approach. If he wanted to eat, he could just say no. If he came like this a few more times, she might be shocked and have a heart attack. It was too emotionally stimulating.

Jiang Luofan tasted it, and felt that it tasted good, with a little sweetness in the barbecue flavor.

"Do you still want to eat?"

Zheng Lanyin seemed to like him quite a bit.

Jiang Luofan nodded upon hearing the voice: "Yes."

Thinking about going back to buy two boxes to go back to eat.

Zheng Lanyin looked at him amusedly, forked another one and handed it to his mouth, coaxing: "Ah~"

(End of this chapter)

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