Chapter 342 Your son is trying to kick me to death...

Zong Che didn't mention Mao'er. He was afraid that An Xiangwan would be emotionally stimulated when he heard Mao'er's name. He knew her temperament very well. As long as she had anything to do with Yao'er, she would definitely explode.

"What kind of tricks is Anjixing playing?"

Let An Weiyi wake up, but don't return the three souls, Su Peici and An Yuya took turns calling to lure her to settle down, this game was designed for her.

"Don't worry, everything is up to me."

Zong Che was not afraid of anything else, but he was afraid that the little girl would send herself to be bullied by others. She had done such stupid things before.


She responded, put her arms around the male ghost's strong waist, and rubbed her small face against his cool chest. The temperature was not bad. If it was winter, she would not want him to be close, afraid of the cold.

Speaking of which, it will be the beginning of winter next month.

Her actions made the male ghost feel very suspenseful, her swollen little ball belly pressed against his abdomen, it felt very warm, and occasionally she could feel the fetal movement.

He stretched out his hand and gently caressed the baby dancing around in it. When it was running around like this, Ren'er frowned and complained to him.

"Look at your son, he keeps bullying me. If you kick me again, I will go on strike."

"How to strike?"

Zong Che smiled at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the arrogant little pregnant woman in his arms in a happy mood. It was obviously impossible to say such naughty things, it was very cute.

"I don't care... Aw... Your son is kicking me to death..."

An Xiangwan didn't expect this yin and yang twin to be so naughty, and it moved so vigorously, as if it was going to break her belly and force it out.

"Don't be afraid, when it comes out, I will teach it for you."

The male ghost said this with a serious face, and he didn't know if it was true or not. If he really taught him a lesson, he didn't know if it was a spanking.

"I'm now wearing a sling for 23.5 hours a day..."

That 0.5 hours, of course, was in the shower, and An Xiangwan didn't know how hard it was to be pregnant.

So now that she is being bullied like this by her son, how could she go to An's house to go through the troubled waters, even if she didn't have a kid in her belly, she wouldn't go.

"It'll be fine for another two months."

Zong Che comforted her softly, and continued to caress the little ball belly for her. The distance between them and the child was only a piece of belly. He was looking forward to the birth of the child and wanted to meet it. The most important thing was to tell It, don't bully its mother in the future.

An Xiangwan thought the same way. Is this a tacit understanding?

Knowing that it was a son, it was Gong Ze who told her.

So, it really is Guagua, she was right earlier.

In fact, she likes her daughter quite a lot, but it's just that the first pregnancy is so hard, she really doesn't want to have a second time.

This fetal movement could kick her to death... It's too fierce!

Is it because she is an ordinary person, so it is like this.

However, the next morning, when Zong Che accompanied her to the hospital to find Gong Ze for an examination, he got the answer from a expectant mother waiting in line.

At that time, the male ghost sat with her on a chair and waited for the number to be called. There were not many people on Wednesday, and a pregnant woman with a belly bigger than her sat next to her.

She wears a long cotton dress with a drape texture, and the fabric is attached to her round and huge belly. When the fetus moves, she can clearly see the obvious movement on the belly.

Seeing this, An Xiangwan couldn't help asking her, "It must have hurt so much, right?"

Her fetal movement is not as strong as hers now, and the pain is so painful that she can't live.

"Fortunately, it's my own child after all. My mother-in-law said, just bear it."

The mother-to-be had a happy smile on her face when she said that.

"That's right." An Xiangwan didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or sigh after hearing this.

At this time, the number rang out on the radio, and it happened to be the turn of the pregnant woman next to her. When she entered, An Xiangwan saw a male ghost following her into the consultation room with a worried expression on his face.

"That's her husband."

Zong Che's eyelids lowered slightly, and his tone sounded flat as usual.

 Babies, the sixth update has been uploaded today, and tomorrow will be updated as soon as possible.Meme.

(End of this chapter)

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