Chapter 343 Why, I thought my wings were hard when I climbed up to the sect
" she also married to a ghost?"

An Xiangwan didn't feel the pregnant woman's aura of cultivation at all just now, so...

"No, her husband died of illness for about half a year."

Zong Che happened to pass by that day, and specially approved the male ghost's request. He hoped to be by his wife's side when she gave birth, and watched their child be born, so he was willing to reincarnate. The judge originally refused.

"I see."

An Xiangwan couldn't help but feel sorry for the couple. Just now, she saw the pregnant woman showing happiness on her face. It turned out that she was just showing off to others. The pain in her heart can only be experienced by herself. taste.

When it was her turn to go in, everything went well, the baby was not itchy, and there was nothing wrong with it.

As for the severe fetal movement, it means that the baby is very energetic and healthy. After all, it is a yin and yang fetus, which is different from ordinary people.

When I was going downstairs to get into the elevator, I ran into Su Peici by accident. She was wearing sunglasses, and she still looked so proud of her figure. She was carrying a bag of medicine in her hand. I don't know what disease she was there for. .

Through the sunglasses, Su Peici subconsciously glanced at An Xiangwan's stomach, but she couldn't see Zong Che who was with her, and her tone sounded a bit hostile.

"What, is the tire uncomfortable? I called you earlier to ask you to come back and see how your brother responded to me like that?"

She couldn't tolerate her daughter's disobedience.

"Oh, it's ridiculous, why can't I treat you like that?"

An Xiangwan curled her red lips coldly, looking at Su Peici, her heart will only get colder and colder now, this kind of person has not been punished so far, she really should go back and buy a roast pig for her ancestors, and offer incense to thank her.

Su Peici was even more annoyed by the elder daughter's insult.

"Why, when you climbed into the Zong's house, you thought your wings were hardened, so you don't have to worry about me as a mother anymore, right? Don't forget who gave birth to you and who raised you so big."

An Xiangwan smiled and sneered even colder after hearing this.

"So, you really take yourself seriously when you think you gave birth to an egg, right? When did you raise me? Feel your conscience and ask yourself."

When she said this, she immediately raised her finger playfully and pointed at the position of her heart.

"I almost forgot, you don't even have a conscience, you can even instigate the bodyguards to kill your own husband... Tsk tsk tsk, the most poisonous woman's heart is absolutely right."

After hearing this, Su Peici raised her hand angrily and wanted to slap An Xiangwan's face, but just as she swung her hand halfway, something caught her.

That's right, it was Zong Che who caught her hand in time. The poisonous woman was showing her anger from embarrassment, and she lost her composure completely, which made people laugh out loud.

"Mom, don't you think it's a joke to lose your composure? If the paparazzi catches it, and that old guy An Jixing finds out that you've embarrassed An's family outside, what do you think will happen?"

An Xiangwan is the kind of person who knows An Jixing best. He loves face extremely and cannot tolerate anyone losing face to An's family. Whenever there is trouble in An's family, he is always looking for all kinds of reasons and excuses to whitewash the peace.

Su Peici guessed that there might be a ghost guarding her, so she couldn't touch her. Otherwise, how could the Zong family feel relieved when she went out by herself as a pregnant woman?

After thinking about it, he withdrew his hand vigorously. The eyes projected through the sunglasses were as bloodthirsty as two sharp swords, as if he wanted to cut An Xiangwan's throat.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth will do you no good at all."

(End of this chapter)

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