Chapter 943 This Is Not a Good Thing for the Environment [Supplement Seventh Update]

An Xiangwan originally wanted to wake it up, worrying that Xiao Jiujiu would get angry if he woke up later and couldn't see it, but these were all trivial matters. The most important thing now was whether it could remember something by itself.

The spirit dog went away for three or four days, and when it came back, it became a Chihuahua again.

It kept barking and barking, and didn't know what it was talking about. Later, I asked Xiao Hei to translate it, so I knew what it was talking about.

They are all insignificant things, and it has completely forgotten about going out to see the sea.

I don't know what happened to it in the past few days, or is it in an unstable state and once shrunk?
An Xiangwan tried to show it the previous video with light spots on the sea surface, but it still didn't remember, and kept licking the screen of the tablet like a fool...

Seeing it become like this, everyone's heart is depressed.

Gong Ze tried to show it, but everything about it showed no abnormalities, it was healthy, it could eat, sleep and play.

This made him feel that his medical skills had been thwarted once again.

Jiujiu didn't dislike Xiaohuang's transformation back into a chihuahua. He could just sleep with it at night as a rag doll, and it was still warm. If he recovered, he could ride it with Brother Gua and go out with Xiaohei.

The speed of the sea swallowing is very fast. More than a dozen cities near the sea have been submerged, and the mountains have turned into hills. It suddenly became like this. It must not be a natural disaster on the surface. If it is just to punish the Protoss, why should the entire Protoss be submerged? It fell, now spread to the outside world, and the spots in the sea are always a mystery.

At the critical moment, the spirit dog has returned to its original appearance. Apart from it, probably no one else knows about it.

There used to be a fable about Noah's Ark in the Yang Realm, saying that one day water will swallow up the whole world, and humans need to build a big ship to survive this catastrophe.

If there is such a fable in the ancient world, it may be too late to build a ship now.

However, there should be some warships in the human navy. Jiang Luofan couldn't ignore this aspect, but even if there were warships, they wouldn't be able to accommodate all the population in the realm. In addition, there were two tribes of ghosts and gods.

An Xiangwan had just finished discussing this matter with everyone when the old dry well in Bian City suddenly gushed out a tall thick column of water, which flooded the entire city in less than half a day.

Strange species also swam out of the well.

Bian City is located in the central area, and the water in the old dry well may have come from the Protoss, but the shortcut door cannot be opened for such a long time, unless the door fails, or those strange species fight against each other. What kind of tricks have been done, if this is the case, the IQ of these species is not generally high.

This is not a good thing for the environment.

In order to keep his wife and children from being affected, Zong Che arranged for the best warship of the Ghost Clan early in the morning. After careful arrangement, he immediately took them to the ship.

The main palace was only built in the palace of the human race. Because of the imminent flood, work has been suspended.

Jiang Luofan and Cao Ge were busy arranging for other people to board the ship, and the shipbuilding was also going on at the same time, trying to save as many people as possible.

But they don't know what kind of place Dianjing was originally, why it existed, and who made it exist.

No one thought about it.

There are several rumors that have been spread among the three major races. The earliest version is that the reason why the Dijing became like this is because the unicorn of the Protoss died, and there were no more spirit beasts to suppress the sea monsters, so it became like this consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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