Chapter 944 Because she wanted to keep the child. 【Replenish · Eight more】

The other version is that the gods committed crimes, so they were punished by heaven and brought disaster to Chiyu.

A version that appeared recently said that the Dijing was originally a place where death row prisoners were executed. People or ghosts in the Yin and Yang realms could be reborn in the Dijing after death, but the ghosts and gods who died in the Dijing would end forever. Yin and Yang are a land of exile...

Such rumors sound outrageous in logical thinking, and it sounds like "shit. Shit can't be blamed, the earth is hard".

But if you think about it carefully, this rumor is not unreasonable.

Ever since the shipwreck became worse and worse, Gong Ze had to fly around in a helicopter to save lives and heal the wounded in the disaster area. In such an environment, he was always worried about Lin Yan's safety, whether she was affected by the disaster, and whether she was safe now. thing?

He flew around, all in order to find Lin Yan because of this, he had a lot to say to her, told her that he had already figured it out, and hoped it would not be too late.

Lin Yan actually came back on the night of Lantern Festival, but hearing his answer hurt her heart so much, she was disappointed and planned to leave because she wanted to keep the child.

She didn't know why she was pregnant, and when did she drink the yin and yang combination, she remembered that she had never drank that kind of thing, or maybe it was because the environment in the yin and yang realms was different from that of the yin and yang realms, did the drinking water and food here contain ?
That is unknown.

As for where she went later, even she herself didn't know where she was, how she broke in by mistake, and how she came out, she couldn't find a way out at all. The species in that place looked like humans but not humans. Those things that only exist in legends in the Yang Realm, I didn't expect them to really exist in the Yang Realm.

Didn't it mean that there are only three races of humans, ghosts and gods and retail investors in the realm, why is there a Shura race now?

In the Shura tribe, as long as there is water, there are spots of light of different sizes, and she doesn't know what the function of these spots is, but it looks weird, and she always feels that something strange and scary will emerge from those spots at any time .

Just as she was fascinated by those light spots, a woman's gentle respect came from behind her.

"Master, there is a visitor outside the door, do you want to meet him?"

It took Lin Yan a few seconds to realize that she was talking to her, and she turned around and asked the woman, "Who is here?"

"Representative of the North Branch."

The woman is Lin Yan's accidental manager after she came here. She is very efficient and respects her very much.

Women always refer to her as the county lord, but in fact she has no idea what the county lord is.

The woman knew about her pregnancy and said she would hide it from her superiors. Who was the superior she was referring to?

The representative of the northern branch mentioned by the woman should refer to the northern branch of Asura, who is not considered a pure-blooded Asura, and has a relatively low status, and there is a huge gap in strength with the pure-blooded Asura.

However, it doesn't hurt to see you.

"Okay, you can arrange it, I'll go there later."

It has been more than a month since Lin Yan came to the Shura clan. In the past few days, she has met with the three side branches, and the north side branch who came this time just finished seeing the four sides, but why did they come to see her?
The woman bowed her head slightly when she heard the sound: "Okay, I will come and inform the county magistrate in person later."

"Well, let's go."

Lin Yan nodded lightly, watched the woman step back two or three meters before turning and leaving the garden.

(End of this chapter)

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