Chapter 945 I'm still a little excited after thinking about it [One more]

The land outside Shura was still in dire straits, Lin Yan didn't know it, she didn't even know that the day when the Protoss was flooded happened to be the day she came to Shura.

The situation of the tsunami flood was as expected. In half a month, apart from the old dry well in Biancheng, other cities with shortcut gates of the gods were also submerged in a very short period of time. At this rate, it will not take long In the imperial city, the ghost clan is temporarily surrounded by a formation defensive wall, which can last for a while.

An Xiangwan took the children to the warship early in the morning. The two babies were excited when they came to the new environment. They didn't know what was going on.

When the black unicorn was looking at the sea with Baby Gua on his back, he felt an indescribable sense of familiarity in his heart when he looked at the spots of light in the water, but he couldn't remember what they were like a spirit dog.

Maybe when the spirit dog remembers, it and its owner can get the answer.

An Xiangwan stood on the deck with Xiao Jiujiu in her arms, looking out at the endless sea. She said earlier that she had never seen the weird species that emerged from Biancheng, but they were afraid of her, so they didn't dare to show up.

While thinking, a coat suddenly draped over his shoulders.

"Be careful of catching a cold."

Zong Che's mellow voice came to her ears in a low voice, and when he finished speaking, he gently pecked her cheek lightly, then walked around to her side, took the little cute baby in her arms, their little wine Jiu seems to have grown up a bit today, and looks more pleasing than yesterday, with big black eyes smiling, and winking at him from time to time.

"Why did you come here, what's the situation with the ghost clan?"

"sucker Punch."

An Xiangwan remembered that the ghost race was better than the human race, but it wouldn't last long.

Zong Che heard the words and recalled the situation between the servants and ghosts. It was quite tragic, and the boats were not enough to accommodate all the people. This regret made him feel very ashamed and helpless.

It's a pity that when any disaster strikes, there will be no opportunity and time to prepare in advance.

An Xiangwan felt very depressed when she heard it. She had followed the live broadcast of the disaster area for the past two days. As a royal family of the human race, there was nothing she could do. She watched them die in the disaster with open eyes.

"Sigh... This little thing always loses the chain at critical moments. I thought it was going to become smart, but now it's turned back to a stupid dog..."

Seeing Xiao Huangwo pretending to be a rag doll in her daughter's arms, she had the urge to pinch it twice, and in the end she just poked it a little harder.

Immediately it came back with innocent barking eyes, as if saying that it had nothing to do with it - but it had a lot to do with it.

When Jiujiu saw Mommy poking the dog, she thought it was fun and poked with her pale little finger, but the little guy happily licked Jiujiu's face several times.

Zong Che glanced at it coldly. He just finished eating his son's tofu last time, and now he is eating his daughter's again. This perverted dog needs to be cleaned up.

The little spirit dog noticed King Che's murderous little eyes, and suddenly seemed to remember something. It seemed to have seen it before. When was it? It was so impressive!

It's too late to stop it from eating Jiujiu's tofu now, since Jiujiu was born until now, it's almost full, now it's not allowed to eat, how can it compromise, Jiujiu's tofu is so spicy and tender, It can still be eaten secretly if it is not in front of King Che. Thinking about it, I am a little excited.

Naturally, An Xiangwan would not know that this perverted dog was after her precious girl.

(End of this chapter)

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