Chapter 946 The Emperor is in no hurry, the helplessness of the eunuch who is anxious to die [Second update]

At this moment, An Xiangwan only hoped that it would recover quickly. Their current situation was terrible.

It is not entirely plausible to say that the gods are all blamed for their sins, but this disaster is absolutely inseparable from the gods. Maybe the sky is not used to the struggle of the three major races, so it punishes them.

In any case, this flood flooded the entire land, turned into a vast ocean and there is no land. It is not an option to go on for a long time. Everything is destroyed. It is more terrifying than the world war. After the heavy damage, start again, everything is like that daunting.

It is unknown whether there will be anything edible in this sea in the future.

Just when she was in a trance, she suddenly heard someone not far behind her suddenly yelling in horror: "No, it's not good! Waterspout!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, the people who were watching the sea on the deck immediately fell into panic, and rushed back to the cabin with their heads covered.

An Xiangwan quickly found the location of her son. The little guy was riding a black unicorn and mixed in the crowd, at a loss. The black unicorn kept dodging and avoiding the crowd. The movement seemed light, but she was still shocked, afraid of the crowd. Guagua will be squeezed into the sea.

"Xiao Hei, quickly bring Gua Gua back to the cabin!"

The black unicorn wanted to see what was inside the waterspout, but it was too far away to see clearly, but it was sure there was something inside.

While thinking about it, when he heard the urgent reminder from the master, he remembered the little milk baby on his back. After responding to the master, he took Xiao Guagua back to the cabin.

Before leaving, I specially reminded her: "Master, there seems to be something in the waterspout, be careful, if you can't resist, don't resist."

An Xiangwan heard the sound and looked in the direction of the waterspout. With her naked eyes, the distance was too far to see what was inside.

After An Xiangwan went back, he saw that his daughter was still in Zong Che's arms, so he quickly pushed him: "Take Jiujiu back to the cabin.

"It's okay, maybe I can stimulate the spirit dog."

Zong Che made such a decision because he was confident, and he naturally would not put his wife and daughter in danger.

"...Then be careful."

An Xiangwan looked at him. Although he had compromised on the surface, he was still worried. No one could predict what would happen soon.

Just as the waterspout was about a hundred meters away from approaching the warship, the little spirit dog smelled the danger approaching, so anxiously raised its head from Xiaojiujiu's arms and rushed to An Xiangwan and Zong Che barking.

But both of them are indifferent, don't they think about Xiao Jiujiu's safety?

Seeing that they were not moving, the little spirit dog was very anxious.

Zong Che lowered his eyes and looked at it calmly, making it feel helpless as if the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuch was in a hurry to die.

An Xiangwan was actually feeling uneasy when he heard the barking of the little spirit dog.

Seeing the waterspout getting closer and closer, the strong wind blew up the sea surface, setting off huge waves of various layers, hitting the warship non-stop. An Xiangwan and Zong Che stood on the deck, and Zong Che used his own Yin energy to block the waves. At two meters away, the sea water failed to wet them halfway.

When he entered the Protoss through the shortcut gate before, he failed to foresee the unexpected situation, and only then did his Xiao Wan get soaked.

"Where is the evildoer, show up quickly."

An Xiangwan's right middle index finger clamped two kidney beans. Water is good for it and can improve the effect of spiritual power. If it is soil, it is even more ideal.

There is indeed something strange wrapped in the waterspout in front of me, like a dragon, perhaps because of the shape of the waterspout.

(End of this chapter)

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