Chapter 953 Being Enemy With The Monster Clan Is Not Good For You

That night, one of the warships was attacked by the Yaozu, and it was also the farthest from the main ship, and it contained one-tenth of their food reserves.

They are also really accurate enough.

It's just a small warning from the monster clan. Although the dark green monster is no longer optimistic about the spirit dog, most of the monster clan who came to the land before still hope that it can return to the group. Without it, they will become group of sacrifices.

This time the action was not done by them, they just followed the loophole and entered the place of death row.

The ghosts and ghosts and non-ethnic retail investors living here are just a group of death row prisoners who were sentenced to death and were locked up here waiting to be executed.

The world of Yin and Yang is a place of exile. If there are people and ghosts who are led into the Yin and Yang realm, it also means that their fate will change from life to death, from fixed-term imprisonment to death.

Do you really think that Dijing is a good place?
Flood is just the execution of the death penalty, and these demons came here because they thought of their past love and future needs, so they took the risk to come here, but their choice disappointed them.

After receiving the signal of being attacked, the spirit dog and Zong Che rushed over together. An Xiangwan wanted to go there together, but thought that if no one was guarding here, maybe the monster clan would come and attack everyone.

Jiang Luofan and Cao Ge were not on this ship after noon, and Gong Ze was left alone, which was hard to deal with. After his strength reached the Di level, it was the same as when he was in the Yang world. He didn't improve at all. Ghosts are so easy to deal with.

So what if the black unicorn is here, it has done its best to protect Jiujiu and Guagua, and it can't care about other people and ghosts.

After listening to Zong Che's words, An Xiangwan nodded and stayed. When she watched him and the spirit dog set off, she felt uneasy.

Before he set off, he pecked at the center of her forehead to reassure her that she would come back safely.

"Don't worry, the two-headed flood dragon of the monster clan has also dealt with it before, and it's not that powerful."


"Go to bed early, good night."

"Good night."

After An Xiangwan fell asleep, Zong Che went out with the spirit dog.

Except for the protoss island group where there is no light and darkness all day long, the rest of the place is a normal daytime division.

Since the mainland has become a vast ocean, the moon in the sky has become extraordinarily large and dark, as if the water has raised the distance from the sky, and the red moon is reflected on the sparkling sea, like a beaten egg yolk .

The eerie atmosphere under the red moonlight is full of dangers. Zong Che and the spirit dog are walking forward on the water, just like the sea where the sky and water meet under the moonlight, there are immortals and spirit beasts passing by, and the speed is gale.

When the two of them came to the attacked warship, they saw many corpses floating on the water, the blood stained the sea red, and the fishy sweetness pervaded within a radius of one mile, attracting other low-level monsters to come and devour them, more terrifying than sharks .

"Fierce gang cuts the west road, east energy sends soul to end, yin and yang and five elements shatter, and no soul returns in the shackles—Qi Shi."

Zong Che had just arrived, and he had already revealed his bat-winged long sword, and swept a wave of cold sword energy horizontally. The sword energy seemed to have eyes. After cutting the monster attacking the warship into several sections, it turned into a cloud of dust and disappeared in the next second. In the moonlight.

As long as the Soul Killing Curse is in the Dian realm, any race can be activated and killed, but it is not clear when it is out of the Dian realm.

"It's not good for you to be an enemy of the Yaozu."

At this moment, a dark-black water dragon emerged from the sea. Its size was nearly ten times the size of the two-headed dragon last time. Zong Che and the spirit dog were as slender as matchsticks in front of it.

(End of this chapter)

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