Chapter 954 Take it? 【Four more】

"Blue Dragon..."

The moment the spirit dog saw it, it immediately called out its name. Due to the influence of the moonlight, the color of the scales on its body would change. During the day, it was dark green, which was the result of that strange thing. main appendage.

That strange thing is a bacterial worm parasitic on Qinglong's body. It is a kind of water demon. It is parasitic on Qinglong's body and acts according to its consciousness.

"It's an honor that you remember me."

Qinglong's tone didn't seem to have a sense of honor at all, but a sneering sarcasm.

Today, the spirit dog showed a humble demeanor in front of a woman. It was already very disappointed with it. Right now, it also felt that its strength and cultivation were too weak.

The former demon king has now fallen to such a state that he is even inferior to his former subordinates. A trash like him can't die, so what's the use of keeping it?
In less than ten seconds before and after, the swing of its dragon tail immediately set off a wave as high as ten thousand feet, and its impact and gravity hit Zong Che and the spirit dog. If they didn't avoid it, they would be killed or seriously injured.

The wave curtain was very wide, and Qinglong looked down at the tiny weakling from a high position, his dark eyes were full of ruthlessness and disdain, crushing them to death was like crushing two ants, without any challenge.

The sword energy of that male ghost just now can't even cut off a corner of its scales. After being deprived, it is completely like a waste. Who came up with the bad idea to let them come to the shackles of the land of death row to pick them up? A useless dog?

However, to Zong Che, such an attack mode is not worth mentioning at all. Who would stand still and let the waves it whip up obediently hit him?

"Tips for carving insects."

The male ghost let out a cold snort, and the next second he jumped up high. The height was ten thousand feet away in a second. His figure was like a shooting star across the night sky and sea, as if it could be cut in half. He held the long sword in his hand tightly, and the sword energy condensed to the sky. The highest point was only half a second, and in the remaining half a second, it fell from the top of the upper water curtain, and the sword energy seemed to be ignited with gunpowder, blowing the water curtain to pieces.

The water droplets that exploded were like bullets, piercing the body of the warship, making dense indentations.

Qinglong was careless for a while, and was shot right through the eyeball by the water bomb. The light yellow liquid flowed out from the wound, and the pain came late. When it felt the pain, the scales on the top had been pierced by the male ghost's sword energy .

Fortunately its scales were strong, otherwise it would have died in his hands tonight.

The male ghost's attack was just two moves, it was completely caught off guard, and by the time it reacted, it had already been crushed by his strength.

Just now it was fully aware of the male ghost's strength, but now, his strength has been released, I don't know if he tried his best or still has some reservations.

Zong Che had indeed used [-]% of his sword energy, but he had only used half of his cultivation strength so far.

The spirit dog had expected Zong Che to be like this, it purposely disguised its own strength, and those guys from Qinglong came to the Dijing to look for it back, it was nothing more than that there might be a civil war in the clan, or the clan was already incompetent.

"Do you wear it?"

Zong Che stood proudly on top of the blue dragon's head. He purposely stepped down on the bat-winged long sword stuck on top of its head so that the blade would sink deeper, and the sword energy soaked into its brain injury. Suddenly, it was so painful that it raised its head to the sky and screamed. It had experienced this kind of pain a long time ago, and it still has scars on its body.

And the pain tonight is a feeling it has not seen for a long time, and it instantly reminds it of the former king of the Demon Race...

 Merry Christmas, babies~
  Tomorrow will be dizzy and more~
  Love you cute~ heart to heart~
(End of this chapter)

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