Chapter 955 The Top of Everything


Qinglong was suppressed by Zong Che's strength, how could he refuse to accept it, resisted the pain and squeezed his body out from between his teeth, blue veins protruded from the place where there were no scales on his abdomen, his appearance was ferocious and twisted.

After Zong Che heard it, his thin lips curved into a satisfied smile, but his voice was a cold warning.

"Say, why do you want to submerge the environment?"

I thought that Qinglong should be able to recede these floods, and that this catastrophe was caused by their monster clan.

"It's not what our demon clan did, it's just that the death penalty has been executed."

Zong Che didn't quite understand Qinglong's words, so he frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Qinglong heard the sound and did not answer immediately, but used the information as a bargaining chip in the transaction.

"You pull the sword out of my head first, and I will tell you about it."

Zong Che drew his sword and waited for its answer, anyway, it couldn't do anything right now.

When Qinglong opened his mouth, the spirit dog jumped up and squatted down next to Zong Che. Its respect for the male ghost was entirely because of its master, and at the same time, it shared its strength with its master.

After Qinglong sensed that the sword had left his head, he finally heaved a sigh of relief secretly. The male ghost didn't know what kind of sword he was using, but he was able to pierce its hard scales.

However, it didn't know that Zong Che used the sword energy instead of the sword body.

"The Di state is originally a place for death row prisoners. After being sentenced at the top of Vientiane, they will be sent here, and the yin and yang realms are places of exile. Going from the yin and yang realms to the Di state already shows that you are wearing a death sentence, and this time The floods in the borderlands were nothing more than the restlessness of the gods, which stirred up a bloody storm all over the city, which accelerated the execution time of the death penalty. Now those who can survive in the borderlands are only temporarily suspended. When the time comes, they will also have to die, so We're just here to take it back."

Qinglong said it refers to the spirit dog.

After Zong Che heard what it said, he looked down at the stupid dog squatting next to him. This little thing has never been cleaned up. When he was not around Xiao Wan, he heard that it was not honest.

Especially the old man who secretly eats his daughter and son's little tofu, perverted dog.

"The top of everything?"

While thinking about it, he suddenly remembered the name of a place that Qinglong mentioned just now, what is that place?
It seems that it knows the entrances and exits of these places?
If it knows, then what they want to go back to now is the Yin and Yang realms, even if it is the so-called exiled land in the mouth of the monster race, they also want to go back, because it has always been peaceful there, and it will not be like this place in Dijing. Wars and entanglements of big races arose.

Even if there are wars in the Yang Realm, it is only because some small countries have not settled down. For example, in the big country of China, it has been peaceful and prosperous for a hundred years.

Qinglong fixed his body stiffly, not daring to move, for fear of knocking off the two venerables on top of his head, although it was impossible, it was better for them to stand more stably.

"Yes, the top of Vientiane is the gathering place of all our races. There are even many races and factions that we have never heard of. It is the birthplace of all races."

Zong Che always felt as if he had heard of that place before.

Just now Qinglong said that the Dijing is a place for death row prisoners. After being tried and charged on the top of Vientiane, they will be sent to the Yin and Yang realms, or the Dijing.

So, where did they come from?
If this is the case, the only thing that can save them now is to go to the top of Vientiane, which is the Yin and Yang realms, but there may also be abnormalities in the Yin and Yang realms, and there are many innocent people and ghosts there.

(End of this chapter)

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