Chapter 956 Yes, Then I Will Live Anytime [Second Update]

That being the case, let's go to the top of Vientiane, maybe it's safer there.

He would like to see what kind of face those so-called judges are, how can they hold their life and death in their hands casually, how can he tolerate such a disgusting thing.

"lead the way."

He is going, and only by getting rid of the hidden dangers that threaten them can they have a peaceful life.

Hearing his decision, the spirit dog suddenly looked up at him, and persuaded: "King Che, you have to think about it clearly."

"If you don't want to, you can stay."

Zong Che will not force it, but once he has made a decision, it is difficult to change it.

He believed that after Xiaowan heard these things, she would definitely choose to go to the top of Vientiane.

It's just that Lin Yan's life and whereabouts are unknown now. After they went to the top of Vientiane, they don't know if they will have a chance to meet again.

"No, I will be where the master is..."

The spirit dog is unwilling to go back and face those past events, it is too cruel, so it wants to choose to escape.

Qinglong was a little surprised when he heard the words, he didn't expect the male ghost to make a decision for it so quickly, so that it would go back to the Yaozu by the way, which was exactly the purpose of their visit this time.


It can't wait to go back to the top of Vientiane right now. There is too much death here, and there is no food. They are tired of eating corpses, and the smell is not good, except that the fresh blood from the people who just died is sweeter. It can excite them a little, and there is nothing else to attract them, but in such an environment, they have nothing to choose.

"In a few days."

Zong Che just wanted it to lead the way to the top of Vientiane, instead of starting now, they still need to make preparations and wait until everything is ready before setting off, hoping to find Lin Yan before setting off.

"Okay, then I'll be here anytime."

Qinglong replied respectfully, as long as the spirit dog is willing to go back together.


After Zong Che answered, Qinglong had taken the initiative to carry him and the spirit dog back to the previous warship. The warships attacked tonight will be repaired by the demon soldiers later. It is very simple for them to repair this kind of thing.

Unintentionally, Zong Che got an extra green dragon as a ride. The green dragon is one of the four great beasts in the Yang world, along with the white tiger, basalt, and red bird.

I don't know if there are other three great beasts on the top of Vientiane, they are both good and evil.

Qinglong sent the two of them back to the warship, everyone had already fallen asleep, only the night guard soldiers were left. Seeing a huge monster approaching from a distance, they were so frightened that they immediately raised their vigilance, and some directly attacked, but it was no pain to Qinglong It doesn't itch.

When it lowered its head and put Zong Che and the spirit dog down, the guards peed their pants in fright. When they saw that it was King Che who came down, a sense of shock after a narrow escape passed through their hearts, and they wanted to do it again. , can frighten them to death.

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you in the future. You will go to a new place in a while, and you should be mentally prepared for the time being, because when you get there, you may see more things that you have never seen before."

The spirit dog told the guards that the male ghost, King Che, was really black-bellied.

"Yes Yes Yes.

The guard stared at Qinglong with panicked eyes. When he got up from the ground, he still had lingering fear.

Zong Che floated down from the top of Qinglong's head, and when he passed by the guards, he gave them a light nod as if nothing had happened, expressing that he had heard their greetings.

At this time, the black unicorn in the cabin sensed the evil spirit of the green dragon, and his fur all over his body seemed to be swept by electricity. He immediately got up and walked out of the deck to see what happened. After seeing Zong Che floating down from the huge monster, he probably guessed something After confirming that there was no danger, it returned to the cabin in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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