Chapter 968 Don't let it see the bloody scene. [Second update]

Baby Melon picked two small pockets full of fruit, and went back when he couldn't fit it. Baby didn't know if he could eat melons. He didn't dare to eat until he took it back and asked his mother.

On the way back, he was blocked by an old lady on the way. Hei Qilin took a closer look and found out that this is the natural enemy of yin and yang devils that appeared in the Yang world.

I didn't meet him in the shackles, but I met him at the top of Vientiane...

Maybe it's because Dijing is a place of death row prisoners, so there are no natural enemies infested. I thought it had calmed down, but I didn't expect it to appear at this time.

It's just that the location here is so remote, but they can still find it. Could it be that they found it by catching the breath of yin and yang devils?
Hei Qilin looked up to the sky and expanded his consciousness, and found An Xiangwan's location a second later, and sent her an urgent notice through his consciousness.

Only exorcists can get rid of the natural enemies of yin and yang devils.

An Xiangwan was feeding Xiao Jiu Jiu with water at this time, and when he received the words from the black unicorn, he was so surprised that the water he was feeding Jiu Jiu almost spilled.

Well, why did the enemy come out again?

They have been quiet for almost three years, and they only reappear now. Could it be that they have also followed to the top of Vientiane?
If not, how did they find it here?

"Aze, help me take care of the wine, Guagua's natural enemy has appeared."

Hearing the sound, Gong Ze quickly put down the action of arranging the formation in his hands, looked back at An Xiangwan, got up and clapped his hands, and walked to her side.

"Well, okay, you go quickly. I'm here to watch. Ah Che and Jiang Luofan don't know what to discuss in the room. If there is an emergency, I will call them out."

"Well, here I leave it to you."

An Xiangwan put the wine into his arms, turned around and went into the house to get the red sandalwood sword, and walked towards Guagua's direction, reciting the demon-killing spell as he walked.

"The Taishang Laojun taught me to kill ghosts, and I will be my god. I call on the jade girl, and it is ominous... Kill the evil ghosts first, and then kill the night light. What kind of gods do not subdue, what kind of ghosts dare to be."

Hurry up as the law!

The exorcism curse against that kind of thing, the underworld, is enough. Using the Soul Killing Curse is like killing a chicken with a butcher's knife.

Following the position sent by the black unicorn with his spiritual sense, she arrived at the fastest speed. The natural enemy stood still and did not attack Guagua. It seemed that it was jealous, so it did not take any action.

After An Xiangwan noticed it, he slightly lowered his head and looked at his son and Xiao Hei. They both had a lot of small red fruits on their bodies. Could it be these small fruits?
And the old lady was not afraid of those fruits, but found that the breath of the black unicorn was different, making it afraid to go forward.

The black unicorn's breath was in the old lady's senses, and it deliberately covered it up so that An Xiangwan could successfully attack when he came over.

An Xiangwan originally planned to use the killing ghost spell to deal with it, but thought that it could be resurrected, so he changed his mind the moment he got close.

"Fierce gang cuts the west road, east energy sends soul to end, yin and yang and five elements shatter, and no soul returns in the shackles—Qi Shi."

As soon as the incantation was finished, her wooden sword cut off the head of the old lady. At the same time, the black unicorn turned away with Guagua, so as not to let it see the bloody scene.

Gua Baobao looked familiar to the old lady, but he couldn't remember it. Just when he saw Mommy coming, Xiao Hei took it and ran away, thinking that he was going to play hide-and-seek with Mommy, so he swung gently with his little feet its little belly.

Xiao Hei took it to a trot immediately, circling around to prevent Gua Gua from seeing it, and ran back to the house.

Guabao giggled all the way, it just liked the feeling of Xiao Hei running, like a bird in the sky, flying.

(End of this chapter)

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