Chapter 969 It would be great if Lin Yan was here... [Third update]

When Baby Gua returned to the door, he saw Daddy standing there with Jiujiu in his arms, as if he was about to go out?

"Daddy~ want to play?"

The little guy asked in a childish voice, which sounded a little slurred.

"You're back, where's Mommy?"

Zong Che was about to look for his son and wife, but he didn't expect his son to come back first.

"Mommy is on the spicy side~"

Guagua turned sideways slightly, and pointed to the grove behind him with his fat little hand, then thought about the red fruit he had just picked, and immediately took it out to show his father.

"Daddy, the baby has picked a lot of small fruits, look~!"

Hearing the sound, Zong Che walked over to take the things his son handed him. The fruit is too bright in color and may be poisonous. Generally, brightly colored plants are a safety hazard.

At this time, Gong Ze just came out from the inside, and when he saw the red fruit in Zong Che's hand, his eyes immediately brightened.

"Ache, where did you get this fruit, it's a good thing!"

He has been looking for this thing for almost ten years. It was recorded in the ancestral medical books before, but he couldn't find it in the Yin and Yang realms and the Di realm. He didn't expect to find it when he just came to the top of Vientiane.

While thinking about it, I heard Zong Che say to him: "Guagua picked it, you ask it."

"Guagua, tell Uncle Ze, where did you pick the fruit?"

As soon as he finished asking, he saw that the two small pockets on its clothes were full, and his eyes instantly seemed to see treasures.

Guagua just remembered this fruit before walking back, but met a natural enemy, the little guy didn't even know that it was its old enemy.

"At Mommy's side~"

Gong Ze followed the direction of its little finger. If the direction was correct, it was the place where the natural enemy appeared just now.

"Baby melon, you can't eat these fruits casually. They are very bitter medicines, so can you give them to Uncle Ze?"

The fruit is indeed poisonous.

"Can't you eat it?"

Guabao reluctantly looked at the delicious-looking red fruit in his pocket, should we give it to Ze Zhuzhu?

"Yeah, it's very bitter, and it will hurt your stomach if you eat it."

Gong Ze's words were half coaxing and half lying. The fruit can actually be eaten directly, but the taste is not ideal. I believe that the little guy will not like it either.

It is recorded in the book that the taste of this fruit is astringent, if it is not sweet, children should not like it.

Gua Baobao believed Ze Zhuzhu's words, and obediently gave him all the fruits.

"Well, it's all for you."

Gong Ze took the small fruit it took out with both hands.

The fruit is about the size of a grape, and it sounds a bit like a cherry tomato, but it is definitely not the common tomato fruit.

This kind of fruit is an important medicine in the prescription recorded in his ancient medical book. If you find all the things and refine it to make a elixir, it can increase your cultivation and heal your injuries at the same time.

It happened that they came here to improve their own strength, and that recipe seemed to have been prepared for today from a long time ago.

Just to refine that kind of elixir, you have to find two other rare herbs, which may be found here in the Yaozu.

However, these fruits also have a certain improvement effect, but the toxins that cause side effects must be separated first.

If there are too many fruits, someone needs to help share them. It would be great if Lin Yan was here...

Thinking of her, I don't know what has become of her now, maybe she has returned to the Yin and Yang worlds, but the day she went back, the time was too late to meet her...

However, he knew very well that these were just self-comforting words.

(End of this chapter)

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