Chapter 970 A Long Time Ago, She Was Because Of Fornication [Fourth Update]

At this time, Lin Yan was still in the mysterious Shura domain.

Today she was going to meet Shura's son-in-law, and she told her about taking care of her the night before, that Shura's son-in-law was her father, mother was Shura's princess, and the county lord was her title.

This title is quite special, she has never heard of it.

However, her father was obviously in the Lin family thousands of years ago, why did he become a Shura?
Shura looks very similar to a human, except that he has a pair of goblin ears, a slightly more complexion, and a small horn on his forehead or on the top of his head. He is really similar to a human.

Originally, she was still in the state of a ghost, but since she came to Shura, she regained her physical body, which was just a container to hold her soul.

Afterwards, the steward also mentioned to her about the existence of the Yin and Yang realms and their functions. After listening to them, she couldn't believe it.

She was originally a guilty body, and was exiled to the Yin and Yang realms, and then entered the Yin realm by mistake, and was included in the death row list.

As for why she returned to Shura now, she couldn't remember what was going on at all, and she would not know the details until her father came over.

Shura's son-in-law, the steward said that there are ten in total, that is to say, the current King Shura has ten princesses, and nine princes. I heard that the royal family here believes in the saying that dragons have nine sons, so they only allow nine. Prince, dragons have always been hailed as the best species.

For example, Candle Dragon, it is the day and night at the top of Vientiane.

As long as it does not die, the top of all phenomena will always be daylight, and if it dies, it will always fall into endless darkness.

In addition to the candle dragons on the top of Vientiane, there are also yin and yang realms and shackles, but those candle dragons are relatively low-level.

And the Candle Dragon at the top of Vientiane is the first ancestor. It has nine sons, which are distributed in the Yin and Yang realms, and other places beyond the Di realm. Those places are still unknown.

This shows how small they are.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the steward came over to ask her to dress up a little. Her father-in-law came over and ranked third, that is to say, her mother was ranked third among the princesses.

After Lin Yan dressed up a bit, she looked completely different from her original appearance... She should be Shura now.

She had never imagined such an identity, and thought that she would retire after completing the mission of the Lin family, but she never thought that the pre-recording would turn out like this.

When she went to meet the so-called father, his appearance almost frightened her, just like the father in Yang Realm thousands of years ago, was it too coincidental?
There were some strange guests beside him. If she hadn't entered the living room with the steward, she might have turned around and left, because except for the third son-in-law, those guests were all very vicious, making people look very uncomfortable .

"My lord, the county lord is here."

The third son-in-law raised his head and looked at Lin Yan. His daughter had not been seen for a long time. A long time ago, she was exiled to Yin and Yang because she committed the crime of adultery and lost the face of the Shura royal family.

As a result, the man who had an affair with her actually chased her to the Yang Realm, and almost got engaged there. Such a shameful thing, the Shura royal family would never allow it to happen.

"Yan'er, come, let me introduce you."

Lin Yan nodded slightly when she heard the sound, and walked a little closer to the third son-in-law, and then he led her to a man wearing a hideous mask. His eyes were pure gold, and he was looking at her whole body with scorching eyes. , the look made her a little embarrassed, because she really couldn't beat him, and she was clearly a hooligan.

(End of this chapter)

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