Chapter 971 Won't He Introduce I'm Pregnant? 【Fifth watch】

I don't know what the son-in-law wants to do when he brings these guys here today.

Just as Lin Yan thought about it, she heard the third son-in-law introduce to her very solemnly: "This is the seventh prince of the demon clan."

She heard the sound and bowed her head politely to him: "Seventh prince, it's the first time we meet, the reception is not good, please forgive me."

The Seventh Prince of the Demon Clan has the purest bloodline among the Demon Clan. Those golden eyes just showed his extremely noble status among the Demon Clan.

In the demon royal family, most of them have red-gold eyes, or gold-silver eyes, and it takes almost several generations for a successor with pure gold eyes to appear.

"pretty good."

The Seventh Prince didn't know whether he was praising Lin Yan or her hospitality here, but they were all men, and the third son-in-law could naturally read his eyes, and he was very satisfied with Lin Yan.

This daughter came back just in time. The Seventh Prince will be the future heir of the Demon Clan. As long as his daughter marries him, not only will he become an ally with the Demon Clan in the future, but their family will also honor their ancestors. Now their status in the Demon Clan is not high. It's embarrassing.

Unlike other princesses and princes who know how to please King Shura, but once this matter is completed, King Shura will definitely value them in the future.

"That's good."

Lin Yan thought he was referring to the reception etiquette, but she didn't know that it was hard for her to accept the news about the exit of the son-in-law.

"Yan'er, the Seventh Prince came here this time to see you, and now he is very satisfied with you. Three days later, the demon clan's dowry will be delivered, and then you will be the future Seventh Concubine."

The son-in-law had already discussed these words with the Seventh Prince when he came here.There is nothing wrong with telling her daughter directly now.

"Seventh Prince..."

Lin Yan and him met for the first time, and they got engaged in such a hasty manner, and she was pregnant. Her son-in-law should know about this matter, even the manager knew about it.

"The Seventh Prince knows about you, so there is no need to worry."

The son-in-law knows what she is worried about. It is very common in the demons to marry with foreign species. What they want is the woman they fancy, because even if it is someone else's wife, they will snatch it away on the spot. .

This is the case with the demons. It is not clear whether they were so frenzied in the past, but now the demons have this virtue, and it is rumored that they are cruel and heartless by nature, especially towards betrayers.

"Won't he introduce me when I'm pregnant?" Lin Yan couldn't believe that the race here was so strange.

Can they bear such things as raising children for others?

And he is the majestic Seventh Prince of the Demon Race.

"It's okay, it's your child who can be tolerated."

The Seventh Prince showed her his broad heart with a look of sincerity.


Lin Yan didn't know what to say anymore, there are such absurd things in the world.

"May I think about it?"

"You have no right to think about it."

The Seventh Prince's tone is very domineering. He must get what he wants. There is no such word in his dictionary, not to mention the mere county head of Shura. He gave her the honorable status of the Seventh Imperial Concubine. She should thank her. .

"What right does the Seventh Prince have to restrict my freedom?"

Lin Yan's words were already a refusal attitude, and she didn't feel it at all, but now it has negatively affected her favor with him, which is really annoying.

"Because I am stronger than all of you, you who are weak naturally have to listen to me."

What he said was arrogant, like two loud slaps on the face of the third consort.

The Seventh Prince's words were referring to their family, which is indeed the weakest among the royal families of the Asura Clan.

 Babies, I'm so sorry.In the past two days, my left eye has been hurting badly, and I have worked so hard to code, I really can't bear it anymore.

  Eighth tomorrow, sorry wow.

(End of this chapter)

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