Chapter 976 Who will make Xiaojiujiu happy in the future? 【Fifth watch】

The answer to this question can only be known after seeing the Mozu welcoming team. An Xiangwan and the others naturally hoped that it was Lin Yan, but they only hoped that the news that she was pregnant was false.

Otherwise, Gong Ze would be hit hard. The woman he had been looking for was pregnant with someone else's child. This kind of feeling would not be good for any man.

The day for the Mozu to welcome their relatives is next week, and there happens to be an auspicious day next week, so the schedule seems to be too urgent.

However, when the demons do things, they always think about it and do it immediately. The seventh prince attaches great importance to the seventh imperial concubine. He didn't like it, and rejected him on the spot.

Maybe men are similar, the harder it is to get, the more challenging they are, and it is too easy to get it, but they don't want to cherish it.

Gong Ze originally wanted to say no to going, but thinking that there were only a few of them here, he had to go if he didn't. In case anyone was injured, he had to treat them.

After Qinglong left, Xiao Guagua just came back from wandering outside. Today, he picked some gadgets and came back, and was finally sent away by Ze Zhuzhu.

Gong Ze has been looking forward to baby melon going out for sex recently, because it always brings him surprises every time it comes back after going out for sex, it is simply his little lucky star.

The elixir he wanted to refine was short of three rare herbs, and he was looking forward to the next time Xiao Guagua would bring it back when he came back from wandering.

As long as they practiced that elixir well, they could rely on it to improve their own strength.

Gua Baobao was delighted to hear Ze Zhuzhu's praise. The baby just likes to be praised, but the baby wants to hear the praise from Daddy the most, but Daddy has never praised the baby. Thinking of Daddy's praise, Gua Baobao feels He began to think about how to get his father to praise him.

Sitting on Xiao Hei's body and sucking his light-white little index finger, he watched Daddy sitting at the table, not knowing what to say to Jiang Zhuzhu, and seeing Mommy coaxing his younger sister to take a nap.

Guabaobao is so boring. I just came back and rode Xiaohei to go surfing again. Guabaobao visited the small floating island where they lived almost three times.

On the day of the demon clan's wedding, many people from the demon clan came to watch curiously. Qinglong came to pick An Xiangwan and the others out early in the morning.

They also wore cloaks, and they would not be noticed under normal circumstances if they mixed in with the monsters.

The monster race will transform into human form during the day, maybe they are trained on the basis of human beings, so they like to change back to human form.

The little Guagua wearing a cloak on the back of the black unicorn looks very cool, and the wine baby really wants to ride the puppy dog ​​to go with Brother Gua, but that stinky dog ​​is not what it used to be, baby Every time she wanted to ride, she couldn't ride it. Thinking of this, she stretched out her hand and pinched it hard to relieve her anger.

The little spirit dog was pinched by Jiu Baobao, and screamed in pain. It knew what Jiu Baobao wanted to do, but it couldn't recover its real body in Yaozu.

"Jiujiu, good boy, let's not plan like this little stupid dog today, shall we?"

Of course An Xiangwan knew what his daughter was thinking, but the little spirit dog was always playing dead, so let him play enough.

As soon as she finished speaking, she picked it up from her daughter's arms and threw it on the ground, always trying to pretend to be weak and hide in her daughter's arms, how could it be possible.


The little spirit dog was caught off guard by the owner, how could he treat such a cute little dog like this, and what would he do when he was trampled to the ground by the monsters?
Who will make Xiaojiujiu happy in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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