Chapter 977 is not friendly at all. [Six more]

Zong Che has long wanted to throw this stupid dog away, if it wasn't for the sake of his wife and daughter, this dog is always putting on a show, and always steals wine and tofu while they are not paying attention, thinking they don't know, you know Their family, Jiujiu, was still a half-baby girl.

After the little spirit dog was thrown to the ground, it wanted to jump on the little black back, but it was slightly dodged by it, and the dog's nose was thrown into the air--damn it, it bullied the weak, and in the end it could only hold back desperately. Follow everyone, sometimes in the front and sometimes behind, the little short legs are chasing so hard.

Gong Ze and Jiang Luofan watched and smiled without saying a word, this dog should abuse it like this, or keep pretending to be dead.

Jiujiu "ruthlessly" stared at the smelly dog ​​chasing them on the ground, mischievously thinking about letting it continue to run like this next time, how could it be possible to always want to lie in the arms of this baby, the baby wants to be as majestic as Brother Gua , I hope this stupid dog can be as reliable as Xiao Hei, but it always loses the chain at critical moments.

Gua Baobao looked back at the little spirit dog from time to time. It looked so stupid trying to run after them on the ground, but it was also very funny.

Qinglong is really disappointed with this dog, I'm afraid it will never see its former glory again, seeing how embarrassed it is now, it can only shake its head and sigh.


Qinglong had brought An Xiangwan and the others to the place where all the demons gathered. When the auspicious time came, the demon clan's wedding party would pass by here.

The demon race is now the second largest race on the top of Vientiane, and the human race ranks first. It is because of the large population that it occupies the first position. At the same time, because the human race is the oldest race here, if there is no human race, there will be no other race. The emergence of race.

The auspicious time was an hour after noon, and An Xiangwan and the others arrived exactly two quarters of an hour before the auspicious time. The timekeeping method of the Zhaoyang Realm was half an hour.

They picked a place with fewer monsters so that they could see who the county magistrate was sitting in the sedan chair.

The place where the demons passed was the largest prosperous floating island of the demons. They passed by here to let the demons know that the demons had a happy event today, but the road they passed was on the edge of the floating island, where there was a bamboo forest.

The bamboo forest is covered with thick bamboo leaves, withered white, yellow and green intertwined. When the breeze blows, occasionally there will be a few yellow and half green oval leaves floating down in circles, which is really beautiful.

Before the arrival of the Mozu's wedding team, there was a gust of wind blowing around, the bamboo forest was rustling, and the environment was originally gloomy, it looked like it was about to be haunted, especially the haunted ghosts in ghost movies. Creepy atmosphere.

But this kind of atmosphere makes the monster people who are watching excited, it is completely different from the atmosphere that the human race likes.

If this kind of scene appeared in Yang Realm, how many cowards would be scared to death.

An Xiangwan didn't know what was going to happen, so she recited Taiyi's order to save the suffering Tianzun Bao in advance, just in case.If she doesn't recite in such an extremely yin environment, evil qi will invade her body.

Because she is a human being, Yin Qi can cause great damage to the human body.

"Qinghua Changle Realm, Dongji Miaoyan Palace. Fangqian Forest of Seven Treasures, Nine-Color Lotus Seat...Looking for the sound to feel Taiyi save the suffering Heavenly Venerable Qingxuan Nine Suns God."

She recited it very quietly, but when the effect came out, it still attracted the attention of the nearby monsters, but the light flashed relatively quickly, and they didn't see where it came from.

Some demon people guessed that there might be someone who would come out to mess with the demon clan's welcoming team. The light that flashed just now was not friendly at all to the three races, the demon Asura.

(End of this chapter)

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