Chapter 978 What?Are you sure it's her? [one more]

The Mozu welcome team appeared on time, and walked from the northeast to the southwest of the bamboo forest. The bright red sedan chair looked particularly eye-catching in this bamboo forest, perhaps because it was the focus of attention and curiosity of the onlookers today.

The welcoming team of the Mozu looks similar to people. At first glance, they all look the same, with snowy skin and black hair, wearing red and black hats, red gowns and black trousers, black-faced and white-soled middle boots. Lift very smoothly.

The Seventh Prince was not in the wedding party, but the Shura clan followed behind the sedan chair.

The two-page carved wooden door of the sedan chair is combined, and there is a small window on both sides. There is only an embroidered red curtain hanging on the window. As the footsteps move forward, the frictional wind gently blows the curtain from time to time, and you can vaguely see the future Seven Emperors in the wheel. looks.

Gong Ze followed An Xiangwan and the others to stand at the end of the bamboo forest. After the sedan chair passed in front of them, they left the Yaozu's territory.

The small red curtain of the sedan chair fluttered slightly with the wind. Lin Yan was sitting in the sedan chair thinking about how to escape. She thought in her heart that after leaving this bamboo forest, she would find an excuse to get out of the sedan chair and take advantage of the demons and Shuras. The guards did not pay attention and waited for an opportunity to escape.

It's just that she is not familiar with the environment here, so she is afraid that she will not be able to escape.

When the sedan chair passed An Xiangwan and the others, they didn't see clearly who was in the sedan chair.

Gong Ze sighed helplessly, watching the sedan chair pass by, he thought it could not be Lin Yan sitting inside, but for some reason, he felt extremely regretful and uncomfortable.

His eyes followed the welcoming team and disappeared at the end of the bamboo forest.

Standing at An Xiangwan's feet, Hei Qilin looked up and saw the face of the woman sitting inside. Although she was wearing a phoenix crown and hipa, her breath could not be concealed.

You guessed right, the person sitting there should be Miss Lin Yan, Gua Baobao also saw it, but I couldn't remember which aunt it was for a while, anyway, Bao Bao had seen it many times before, and often quarreled with Zezhuzhu.

"Master, the person sitting in the sedan chair seems to be Miss Lin. The breath is very similar, but it is not yet certain whether it is her."

Hei Qilin said uncertainly to An Xiangwan. It would be great if it was really Lin Yan. They have been looking for her for so long.

"What? Are you sure it's her?"

An Xiangwan thought otherwise, but what Hei Qilin said shocked her instantly.

"Xiaowan, what's the matter?"

Seeing her surprised reaction, Zong Che wondered what the black unicorn had said to her?
An Xiangwan raised her eyes to Zong Che and Gongze when she heard the sound, and said, "Xiao Hei seems to have seen that the person sitting in the sedan chair is Sister Lin, and said that the breath is very similar."

Gong Ze didn't wait for An Xiangwan and the others to say they were leaving.He had already caught up with the wedding party one step ahead, but he didn't take any action. He just followed, waiting for an opportunity to get close to the sedan chair, and to see if the person sitting inside was really Lin Yan. If it was really her, then he would How should I ask her why she married the Seventh Prince of the Demon Race?
Are you pregnant with the other party's child before you marry him?
However, he heard the news from Qinglong that she was pregnant very early, and the Seventh Prince of the Demon Race knew that she was not pregnant with his child, but still insisted on marrying her...

This really makes people wonder, what is the Seventh Prince thinking?

Behind him, An Xiangwan and the others saw that they were slow to react for a moment, and then Jiang Luofan picked up the little spirit dog and hurried after him.

When they chased out of the bamboo forest, they had already entered the zone of "no matter what". No one is in charge here, only the law of the jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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