Chapter 979 Why is he here? [Second update]

The sky here is full of gorgeous fire clouds, which redden the atmosphere of the whole region. The air seems to be filled with danger signals, and there is a slight smell of blood in it.

The house is very classical, especially with the atmosphere of ancient China. There are all races on the street, with different skin colors, hair textures, facial features, and appearances.

They watched the long welcoming team of the Demon Race slowly pass by with the big red sedan chair, and the crowds watching on the street seemed to have seen a fat sheep passing by with their eyes, and secretly began to sharpen their knives, planning when to kill them.

However, the demons have a base here, and as long as the welcoming team leaves here before dark, they will not be attacked. If they have not left here before dark, it will be difficult to guarantee that they can leave here safely.

Gong Ze, who was following the wedding party, might be a bit dangerous, but fortunately he followed, otherwise he would have to walk here alone, and he would probably be arrested. As for what the rioters here will do to the captives, it's hard to say .

An Xiangwan and the others chased for a long time, but they couldn't catch up with the welcoming team. They even wondered if they were following in the wrong direction. They were breathing all the way, with a black unicorn's nose, so they wouldn't lose track.

When the welcoming team almost left this no-care zone, they decided to stop for a rest and have a bite to eat. After walking for a day, even demons would be hungry and tired.

Lin Yan in the sedan chair had been waiting for the opportunity, and finally hoped that the team would stop, so she made an excuse and said she wanted to find a place to have a rest. Looking at her, the demon Xipo was hesitant, but when she saw her expression With an uncomfortable look, he agreed to her request.

Lin Yan naturally knew that they would not just let her go to pee alone, they would definitely let the two witches follow her, everything was as she expected.

After walking away from the team for a while, Lin Yan quickly took off the phoenix crown while the two witches were unaware, and attacked them, knocking them unconscious to the ground in two or three strokes.

Looking up at the welcoming team dozens of meters ahead, she made sure she hadn't been spotted, so she ran away quickly. No matter where it was, she had to get out of this huge team first, otherwise she would be alone and couldn't beat her at all, let alone There are even more powerful demon officers than her in this team.

It was specially arranged in the team to prevent her from escaping, and the other was also to ensure her safety.

She was only halfway through the run when she realized that someone seemed to be following her behind her. She turned her head and glanced slightly, and there was indeed a figure.

Speed ​​up two steps, then dodge and hide behind a big tree, wait for the opponent to catch up, and then attack while it is not prepared.

But when she fought back to restrain that guy, she didn't expect it to be Gong Ze.

"It's you?!"

She immediately released him like an electric shock, why is he here?

Gong Ze originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that the demons and Shuras were not paying attention, but he didn't expect the bride to run away first.

He chased after her, and the moment she took off the phoenix crown, he finally saw that extremely familiar face clearly.

Her face, since she disappeared, has been frequently appearing in his dreams.

"Get out of here first."

When he caught up with her, he expected that she would fight back, so he let her restrain him. After she let go and looked at each other for a few seconds, he recovered from the thrilling reunion and pulled her away.

(End of this chapter)

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