Chapter 980 What's the matter with the child in your stomach? 【Third watch】

At first glance, this scene looks like elopement.

Lin Yan was suddenly held by him, and the long-lost heartbeat in her chest made her panic for a while.

After dying in the Yang Realm for a thousand years, after returning to the Shura Clan, and returning to her real body, she regained the feeling of being alive.There is body temperature, heartbeat, and personal experience of the outside world. You can feel the alternating changes of cold and heat. You need to add or lose clothes, and you will be hungry...

Looking at his back in front of her eyes, she suddenly found that she has become tall and straight, very masculine, and can shield her from the wind and rain, but it's a pity that she knows that she will not be herself.

He would appear here, maybe he came to rescue her with Xiao Wan when he learned that she was in trouble, but he didn't see her and Zong Che?
"Where are Xiaowan and them?"

Is Gong Ze the only one here?

"It's coming, it probably hasn't caught up yet."

Gong Ze didn't wait for An Xiangwan and the others to react just now. After hearing her say that Xiao Hei saw her sitting in the sedan chair, he immediately chased after her without even thinking about it. He even wished that it was Lin Yan in the sedan chair.


After hearing this, Lin Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With Zong Che and An Xiangwan around, she felt much more at ease.Otherwise, he and she would definitely not be rivals if the magic officer in the wedding team would catch up.

After fleeing for a long distance, Gong Ze looked back several times to make sure there were no pursuers, so he dragged Lin Yan to hide behind a rock to rest. He is just a mortal and doesn't have that much physical exertion.

Seeing him stop, Lin Yan's heart thumped even more violently. When he turned back to face her, the image of him dressed in ancient costume overlapped with him in front of him for an instant, and he almost called out a strange voice. name, but in the end it was not called out.

In the next second, she herself couldn't remember what she was about to say just now, but the words turned around.

"How did you come here?"

Gong Ze looked at her for a long time after hearing the sound, and then said: "It's a long story, I'll tell you about it later."

He paused, then changed his words and asked her, "What's the matter with you now?"

His tone sounded a little unfriendly, and he clearly hoped to show his true emotions, and he also wanted to treat her tenderly, but...

"I don't know, it's like this when I wake up..."

Lin Yan also couldn't explain her current situation clearly. She suddenly became the Lord of Shura County, and she couldn't remember what happened to her at the beginning.

"What happened to the baby in your belly?"

Gong Ze saw that her belly was obviously swollen, whose is it?

He just wanted to figure it out.

"Nothing to do with you."

Lin Yan felt guilty and did not dare to tell him that the child was his, for fear that he would find her disgusting.

"Is it."

This answer made Gong Ze very uncomfortable, but even if she was willing to tell who the father of the child was, he was actually not willing to listen.

All the while, she still felt that he was impossible...

In her heart, his image must be terrible.

Seeing his indifferent reaction, Lin Yan became even more timid and dared not tell him the truth. She was willing to keep this secret for the rest of her life and did not want to be disgusted by him.



They looked at each other for a long time, but there was no more dialogue, hesitant to speak for a few times, and finally turned their backs to each other, as if in a depressing atmosphere, they quietly took advantage of each other's unpreparedness and licked their own wounds.

I don't know how long time passed, the sky gradually darkened, and it was getting dark, but they were still in the no-care zone.

(End of this chapter)

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