Chapter 981 Then they can only bite the bullet and go [Fourth Update]

After realizing that Lin Yan was missing, the welcoming team walked to the direction where the two witches took her to relieve their hand just now, and found that the witch was lying on the ground, unconscious, but the Lord Shura was gone.

A smashed and deformed phoenix crown fell on the ground, and it was clear what happened at a glance.

The devil frowned, and ordered that County Lord Shura must be retrieved before dark, otherwise if she was captured by the rioters here, the consequences would be unimaginable, and they would also be charged with the crime.

It was their fault for letting the county lord escape halfway. If something happened to her, their team would surely fall headless when they returned to the Demon Race.

And when An Xiangwan and the others chased into this no matter zone, they were already besieged by mobs, and they couldn't catch up with the wedding party. There were so many experts here. Jiang Luofan's current strength was already lower than that of Zong Che and An Xiangwan. With two small children and pets on board, the trouble is quite big.

I never thought that things would turn out like this, but this is the top of Vientiane, a completely unfamiliar environment, they were so focused on chasing people that they ignored safety.

The rioters surrounded them, one by one, seemed to see a fat sheep delivered to their door, chattering about what to do with them next...

When Zong Che heard that they wanted to insult An Xiangwan, he was so angry that he wanted to chop these bastards with obscene smiles.

Not to mention Zong Che, Jiang Luofan is also very angry right now.

It doesn't matter to An Xiangwan, feel free to talk about this rubbish, if you really have the ability to do something to her, besides, she is an exorcist, and monsters and ghosts are the things she hunts and kills.

When she came here just now, she had recited Taiyi's instructions to save the gods. Unless they are living people, under normal circumstances, once she counterattacks them, the exorcism effect will come out.

But it can't be ruled out that there are guys with extremely high cultivation levels here, so she didn't dare to act rashly. If they want to attack, they can only bite the bullet.

It's just that she is worried about Guagua and wine.

That damn stupid dog is still pretending to be a chihuahua at such a time, I really want to give it to these guys and eat it.

The black unicorn is ready to protect Guagua and flee back to the demon realm along the way. As for the master and King Che, there is no need to worry about it for the time being.

Gua Baobao didn't know what was going on, and couldn't understand what these strange-looking people were trying to do to them, so he looked around in confusion.

At this moment, the spirit dog is hesitating whether to restore its real body. If the opponent is too powerful and poses a danger to its owner, then it must be restored.

"Teaching me to kill ghosts..."

Seeing that the rioters were ready to move, An Xiangwan uttered the Ghost Killing Curse. She wasn't sure that this spell would really hurt these guys. If it didn't work, she would use the Soul Killing Curse.

But as soon as she read it, one of the guys surrounding them snorted and laughed: "Woman, do you think this is a place of exile? Don't be naive if you want to use such a low-level spell on us! The murderer in the death row Soul curses are of no use to us either."

An Xiangwan couldn't believe this, she had to try it to know, she continued to finish the spell, gripped the red sandalwood sword tightly in her hand, put her middle finger to her mouth and bit it, and smeared blood on the sword On the plane of the body, the sword body was instantly covered with a layer of red flames, the effect was similar to the beam wand she used when she was in the Yang Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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