Chapter 991 With just one halberd, the house and people will be reduced to nothing [Second update]

How can the monster soldiers control so much, anyway, it is not their responsibility, and now it is clear that they will not give face to the demons, let alone let the demons help them find the seventh concubine, it is simply a big deal joke.

The news that the demons were kicked out quickly reached Qinglong's ears. When he told An Xiangwan and the others knew the news, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But for a short time, they should not leave the floating island for the time being, Qinglong will let his cronies bring them to them if they need anything.

With the nature of the monster race, they will definitely make some small moves, and it is better to be careful in everything.

Qinglong was going to leave when it was dark. When it was dark, there was abnormal movement on the floating island. Hei Qilin's consciousness sensed that strange monster soldiers had sneaked in and were approaching their house.

Seeing their actions and talking softly, the black unicorn has already judged that these guys are not Qinglong's subordinates. If they are not, then they are sent by the demon king. I didn't expect it to move so fast.

At night, the qi of the floating island is very weak, so the demon soldiers dare to go to the island.

Gong Ze's formation still has an effect on them, and it can trap them at first, but as time goes by, the effect of the formation becomes weaker.

After all, this is a monster clan, with a monster aura soaring to the sky, Gong Ze's formation is extremely effective in resisting it.

An Xiangwan and the others turned off the lights and hid in the house, pretending to be asleep, waiting for the monster soldiers to break in through the door and give them a fatal blow.

Exorcism is still effective against them. Although Zong Che and Jiang Luofan's attacks cannot kill them, the damage is still there.

More than 100 demon soldiers came, including two demon officers whose strength is unknown, and they have already known that Qinglong is coming.

But how could the demon king's subordinates be fools? They had expected that they would move Qinglong as a rescuer, but in order to complete the task, they would not let Qinglong come over smoothly.

Gong Ze asked Lin Yan to hide and not to show her face. The demon king sent troops here to catch her.

The demon soldiers are not difficult to deal with, but the strength of the two demon officers does not feel low, and the odds of winning are not known.

The elixir that Gong Ze took last time has long passed its effects, and there are no side effects, but he can clearly feel that his cultivation base has increased, not much, if he takes it again, it will be too nourishing, and he may have difficulty digesting.

An Xiangwan didn't think the demon officials were scary, but worried that Guagua and Xiao Jiujiu would be carried away by the demon soldiers when they were unprepared. The two brothers and sisters didn't have the ability to protect themselves.

Zong Che stood in front of An Xiangwan. The two demon officials held red-haired halberds in their hands, and their faces could not be seen clearly against the light of the red moon. Their tall and burly figures walked to the door of the house.

The spirit dog quietly hid behind everyone. It didn't want to participate in the battle. The two monster officials followed it before, but they were betrayed by them. It's hard to deal with, I just hope that Qinglong can bring it quickly.

The demon king probably thought that Qinglong was there, so he sent these two powerful cronies over. Its purpose must be Lin Yan.

Just as the spirit dog finished thinking, the other end saw the demon officials begin to release strong demon power. The red moon is the best power increase for them. Seeing them gather [-]% of the demon power, when it reaches [-]%, With just one halberd, even the house and people will be wiped out.

An Xiangwan sensed the attack of evil energy. It was not quite the same as Yin energy, but it was also accompanied by a stinging coldness. The extremely cold air pressure made her scalp numb and thick, and goose bumps appeared all over her body.

(End of this chapter)

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