Chapter 992 It's Obviously a Ghost...【Third Watch】

She wasn't afraid, it was just an unexplained reaction.

Even Hei Qilin felt timid, put away his consciousness, the strength of the two demon officials outside was completely above them, they couldn't beat them!

Zong Che didn't think it was necessary to count on the Qinglong, it was his defeat in the first place, although these two demon officials could not be killed, his sword energy could still hurt them.

"Fierce gang cuts the west road, east energy sends soul to end, yin and yang and five elements shatter, and no soul returns in the shackles—Qi Shi."

After he finished reading, he drew his sword and killed them first, at least to prevent them from destroying the house, those monster powers are no small matter.

An Xiangwan heard the sound, but before he could call out, his figure was already in front of the demon officer.

He moved very fast, and the strength of the two demon officials seemed to be on par with him. The moment the sword energy collided with the demon energy, a dazzling fire burst out, like a flash of lightning, illuminating the surrounding environment .


One of the monster officials asked in confusion, if the man in front of him was a ghost, it would be impossible to fight against the monster, let alone have such a strong strength.

"It's obviously a ghost..."

Another demon official thought it was impossible, but seeing that he was indeed a ray of soul, when did the ghost clan have such a powerful character, why didn't the demon clan know about it?
This is impossible. Whoever has a strong clan, other clans will know that this cannot escape the eyes of judging those guys.

"It doesn't matter if it's a ghost or a demon. If a monster doesn't attack me, I won't attack a monster. If a monster attacks me—death!"

After listening to his words, the two demon officials decided that he was overreaching and wanted to kill them with just a wisp of thin soul?

"Do you really think that the Soul Killing Curse can kill us? Don't be naive..."

Zong Che's eyes were piercing, observing the moves of the demon officials, guessing how they will move next, and the direction of the attack...

At this time, the spirit dog hiding behind the house tried to suppress its breath to the weakest. In order not to let the demon officials notice its existence, if it was discovered and the demon king came over in person, it would not only lose face and lose its dignity, but also It will cause everyone to die together with it, and the demon king will absolutely not tolerate its existence.

Had the trial not come earlier, it would not exist today.

The container that the demon king is currently using originally belonged to him, and the current container he picked up randomly after throwing it into the desert, how could he know that it would be the contract beast pet of the princess of the human race, that's why it happened by accident. She has been the babysitter for her two children, but she likes this life now.

It has long looked down on those power disputes, but it knows that it is useless to look down on it. For the current demon king, it still has hidden dangers that threaten it.

And Qinglong and other demons also hope that it can regain power and overthrow the current demon king. For the demon king, how could it not affect its existence.

Zong Che's fighting power in front of him is barely enough to deal with the two demon officials, but after a long time, there is no way. When the green dragon comes, there is a chance for him to give the demon officials a fatal blow.

Zong Che's sword qi had hurt the Qinglong before, and now the demon officer was also injured. There are ways to kill the demon clan, but the ghost clan can't do it. If it is a demon clan, it can.

The predecessor of the demon clan was the ghost clan, which was cultivated by the ghost clan. The demon clan has the power to destroy the containers of the demon clan. As long as their containers are destroyed, they will be the flesh, and the remaining souls will be the souls. Exorcism and Taoism are Can be killed, but the strength must be above them...

Just as the spirit dog thought of this, it heard a miserable scream at the other end, and thought it was Zong Che's, so it was so startled that it ran forward to check the situation clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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