Chapter 994 Making Bacon Dogs

Of course, Zong Che didn't miss the words of the demon official. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the spirit dog as if nothing, and immediately cut the demon officer in half with his sword. After two or three seconds, it exploded into a ball of black dust, dissipated under the red moonlight, and finally No trace of it can be found anymore.

Seeing this, the demon soldiers lurking nearby were scared to death. They didn't expect the ghost clan to have such a ruthless character. What kind of guy did Qinglong find this time?
An Xiangwan saw that the demon soldiers were about to escape, so he immediately threw Yundou to stop them.

"Fierce gang cuts the west road, east energy sends soul to end, yin and yang and five elements shatter, and no soul returns in the shackles—Qi Shi."

Since Zong Che was able to kill two demon officials with the Soul Killing Curse, it is also possible for her to destroy those demon soldiers.

But the effect didn't meet her expectation, let those demon soldiers escape, what they saw on the island tonight, it won't be long before the demon king dispatched more powerful characters to deal with them.

So before that, they had to leave the Yaozu, and staying here would just be to wait for death.

When the floating island returned to calm, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Zong Che and his wife had already set their sights on the spirit dog. Just as the little thing was about to escape, it was cut off by Zong Che's bat-winged long sword.

"Want to run?"

An Xiangwan narrowed her beautiful eyes and looked at it with dangerous slits, which made it tremble violently a few times in fright.

It was as if the spirit dog had encountered death, and it was too late to beg for mercy.


The little paw wanted to reach out to Jiu Baobao to ask her for help, but Jiu Baobao turned his face away, pretending he didn't see anything, because Baobao doesn't like bad dogs who lie.

Gua Baobao looked at Mummy picking up the little spirit dog's leg, as if she was about to kill a chicken, looked at the poor little dog and shook his head and sighed: "Alas..."

no Zuo no Die.

"Bad dog, shut up, it's too noisy."

An Xiangwan handed the wine to Zong Che and asked him to hold it first, then threw the little spirit dog on the sofa with one hand in disgust, and stepped on it in front of its eyes, condescending.

"If you play dead again, I will castrate you tonight!"

The spirit dog nodded immediately upon hearing the sound, and returned to its original shape. Is it easy?
If it doesn't return to its original shape, it doesn't want to be discovered by the demon king. In the end, it still can't escape this catastrophe, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Xiao Jiujiu saw the spirit dog transforming back into a big dog in Daddy's arms, and immediately widened his eyes, with a sparkle of star in his eyes, and babbled and babbled happily.

In the future, this baby can ride a big dog and go out to play with Brother Gua.

The black unicorn stood by and watched calmly. He didn't feel the need to sympathize with the spirit dog at all. He knew why he had done it tonight.

Gua Baobao is not interested in the original spirit dog, so it is better to continue to be its Chihuahua. Now it has scales all over its body, and it feels too bad to touch, but its little black is comfortable to touch.

Thinking of this, Baby Gua stretched out his fleshy little hand to touch Little Hei's head, that's right, that's the feeling, and he didn't forget to nod the head of the chicken pecking rice while sighing.

"Master, I know I was wrong, I have my own reasons..."

The spirit dog begged for mercy, was it easy?
It's just that I want to be selfish and fool around...

"That's not what I want to hear now. If you don't tell the truth, you will feel better."

An Xiangwan didn't want to listen to its nonsense, let alone the main point, hang it on the door beam tonight and make it into a bacon dog.

The spirit dog huddled into a ball at the corner of the sofa, with its long pointed ears hanging down, looking at Mr. An Xiangwan with teary eyes, and said pitifully, "Where should I start?"

(End of this chapter)

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