Chapter 995 Hearing It Bark Like a Dog, I Feel Disharmony [Second More]

An Xiang Wanyu poked its forehead with his fingers, and said angrily: "Say what comes to mind, and then pretend to be onion and garlic, and I will cook you tomorrow."

This poor dog, still going around in circles with her, is really tired of work.

So the spirit dog obediently explained the ins and outs of the things he remembered.

It used to be the former demon king of the demon clan—the Lin King. It was indeed a unicorn, not a dog.It's just because of the catastrophe thousands of years ago that it was severely injured and lost in the dream. After regaining consciousness, it forgot everything, including what it was. In a dream, it saw someone else's dream. Chihuahua, that's why it regards itself as that dog.

Qilin is divided into two categories on the top of Vientiane, one is the demon, and the other is the spirit king. The spirit king is the master of animals and plants, and all have to obey its will, and the one belonging to the demon will become the ruler of the demon clan Those who have a container that can change into a human form, and cultivating a human form is the peak appearance of all major non-human-based races.

The current demon king took its container, seized its throne, and put it to death. The current demon king is a cousin born to its uncle, but the current demon king is not a unicorn, so he cannot become a demon king, but his ambition The vigorous it was finally blinded by desire and took everything from it.

Now that the Yaozu has been controlled by it, after Qinglong learned the truth later, he resolutely chose to confront the current Demon King, and soon the Yaozu was divided into two factions, among which there were some small side branches, who have been watching the changes.

In the end, which side is the most powerful, which side will they go to, and the side branches are monsters with impure bloodlines. Most of the monsters born by combining with other races are weak, and even if they practice, it is difficult to achieve the strength of pureblooded monsters.

This incident was too impressive, so I remembered it quickly.

It also said how it met An Xiangwan, but it didn't remember what the black unicorn was, nor did it know that the black unicorn was the spirit king.

Because the spirit dog doesn't look like a spirit king either.

As for it not wanting to restore its original appearance, it was because it was worried that the current demon king would be unfavorable to it. It hadn't recovered all its strength, and with the loss of the container, it would be a problem to exert a higher strength.

It is precisely because of this, in order not to incur a fatal disaster, that it has been pretending to be a stupid dog...

After An Xiangwan finished listening, he looked at it with helplessness and entanglement, and said after a while, "Since you have revealed your identity tonight, it's useless to keep pretending."

Lin Wang (spirit dog) continued to whine like a dog... barking loudly.

Probably because everyone knew its identity, and then heard it barking like a dog, it always felt unharmonious.

"You finally remembered?!"

Qinglong's voice sounded from the door of the house. No one noticed when he came, until he appeared.

Maybe it was because they listened too much to what King Lin said.

Lin Wang looked up and saw Qinglong sighed helplessly. What he most wanted to be known was Qinglong.

This guy has always wanted it to rebel with him. In fact, the Yaozu should be pretty good now. At least in the short time since it came back, no one has complained that the Yaowang is not good.

Since its cousin can govern the Yaozu well, there is no need to overthrow it. If it is like the king Chong who was in the realm before, then overthrowing and rebelling is a matter of course.

While thinking about it, he did not forget to reply to Qinglong: "I just want to think of some impressive ones."

(End of this chapter)

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