Chapter 1002

"You forgot again, we are one body with ten souls, you have overlooked a very serious matter."

In Xi's dark and cold eyes, there was suddenly a strong grief, and the grief seemed to condense into water, and in the dark and faint light of the magic fire, water glistened.

"Ah Tong hid a small piece of paper in the branch of the hibiscus tree. There were only eight characters written on it. I found it before retreating, but I never understood it until..."

Until, the moment when the Suzhen jade arrow shot at him.

[Sixth strategy, Li Daitao is stiff. 】

[The seventh strategy, the golden cicada escapes its shell. 】

Xi He covered her eyes with her trembling hands, tears trickled out from between her fingers, but she didn't want to wipe them anyway, she just let the tears fall, choking her chest like a boulder, unable to breathe at all .

Dijun and Taiyi lowered their heads sadly at the same time, closed their eyes unbearably, a faint tear still hung on his cheeks scorched by the flames of war, after a long silence, he let out a soft sigh.

Xi said: "I'm already a Daluo Golden Immortal, she's still a Taiyi Golden Immortal, how could she hurt me?"

"Just don't forget that the composition of her body is seven parts Sun Gold, three parts Golden Crow Blood, and one part Jumang."

"Every arrow actually didn't hit me, but exploded in front of me, within an inch of me—"

"Only if the power that comes from the same source as me is the closest, it will deceive your eyes."

"I watched her die in front of me, watched her smile turn into ashes, watched my heart being gouged out inch by inch, but I couldn't even cry—"

"I accompanied her to fall from the light of the sky and fall into the infinite netherworld; from the netherworld, stepping on the ghostly Huangquan to climb up to the world again. Stepping on every dead soul, she climbed up to the Zixiao Palace step by step and climbed to the Hongjun Seal Before Rahu's ban."

"In this battle, the people behind the scenes have turned around too many times. The dead and the living... there are too many to count. The reincarnation has not been established, and the dead can be reborn in reincarnation."

"But it's the only one who's really lost his soul."

"Only my..."


He tilted his head slightly, and there was nothing in his raised palm.

"Do you know what it means to be dissipated? It means that the entire soul does not exist and dissipates between heaven and earth."

"Do you know what it means to be wiped out? It means that even if you want to collect her body, you can't find any trace of her existence."

He said softly: "She walked very fast, but left me alone—this world is so big, it's so big that it's bone-chillingly cold, but let me..."

"How to survive?"

Tiandao's body trembled uncontrollably.

He has never experienced the feeling of guilty conscience and fear, but at this moment, he dare not look into the boy's eyes, as if he would be ecstatic if he saw those thick black eyes——

"Shut up! Shut up! You're dead, you deserve it—"

He wanted to attack the young man, but Luo Hu didn't stop him, and only let out a sneer from his throat.

The spiritual power of the Heavenly Dao galloped in front of Xi, but suddenly there was a wave of black devilish energy in the air, firmly protecting Xi, the spiritual power rushed in front of him, and was completely swallowed by the devilish energy——

"This cultivation level... this cultivation level can't be Daluo Jinxian, isn't it—" Tian Dao was about to crack, "You are a Hunyuan Saint? When did you become a Hunyuan Saint?! I didn't bestow the primordial purple energy, How could you be promoted to a Primordial Saint?!"

 【Part 11】

(End of this chapter)

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