Chapter 1003

"The primordial purple qi is transformed from the purest qi between heaven and earth. It contains the laws of heaven and earth and is the foundation of holiness! Without purple qi, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you will never be able to hit the position of saint. Are you How to promote the Hunyuan Saint?!"

Tiandao's body was shaking.

He was afraid of Luo Hu coming, but he was not in despair—at most he would be beaten to death by Luo Hu, at worst he would leave Hongjun's body directly and return to the prehistoric world.

As long as he keeps his identity as the Dao of the Great Desolation, one day sooner or later, he will be able to reign over the Desolation again!

However, if someone can avoid the cultivation promotion rules he set up, bypass his control, and be promoted to a saint——

That is really out of his control!
In Honghuang, the purpose of everyone's cultivation is to become holy, but they don't know that once they get the purple energy bestowed by heaven to become holy, they will be completely controlled by him, and they can't resist at all.

But now, a golden crow bypassing him to be sanctified—

In human terms, if a person leaves his country and rebels into another country, the original law will naturally not apply to him.

This fundamentally destroyed his rule over the prehistoric people!
If everyone comes like this, then who is his way of heaven restricting?

Who will listen to him? !

"A saint..."

Xi took a step forward slowly, and the aura around him soared at a terrifying speed, and even Dijun Dijiang and others couldn't bear it, and quickly retreated down with his miserable troops.

Xi didn't look back, but walked towards the heaven step by step.

"Haven't you forgotten that I didn't even go through you to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian? You are the way of heaven, and it is true to control the prehistoric, but now, I have escaped from the prehistoric! My way is no longer within your rules!"

"Not within my rules? Where is that, where is that?"

When the Heavenly Dao was terrified, Luo Hu proudly raised his hand at the side: "Here I am! You have the Primordial Purple Qi, and I also have the Black Lotus! You use the Prismatic Purple Qi to raise a saint, and I can also use the Black Lotus to raise a saint." !"

Tiandao's nostrils twitched crazily, the blood in his whole body throbbed crazily in his temples, his head seemed to be pressed by something, and it was about to burst.

"You said it right before. I have been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, and I don't have much strength to participate, but as long as I am here, you can't blend with the law, and you can only fight with your own strength!"

Raising his hands, Luo Hu threw the Jidu Saber and the God-killing Spear at Xi, who held them.

"This god-killing gun is made of the same piece of meteoric iron used in Hongjun's Zhuxian sword. I said I would keep my promise. The world-killing black lotus, god-killing gun and Jidu knife happened to be lent to you."

"Back then, Hongjun and I traveled together for thousands of years until we cut off our robes. At that time, I said that I would fight Hongjun to the death sooner or later. Unexpectedly, he died in front of me first."

"Hongjun belongs to me, and I can only kill him. Since this bastard has killed Hongjun, I order you to kill him for me!"

Xi twitched the corners of her lips coldly, staring at Tiandao's trembling and terrified figure with cold and dark eyes.

"Not just to help you, I killed him to hurt my parents, to kill my monster race, to kill my wife for him!"

The way of heaven is unfair, why should we obey the way of heaven?

The world is lawless, why should we imprison ourselves in the world?

Tao wants to kill me.

Then I will kill Dao first——

beyond heaven.

And Omen!


The thunder plowed through the sky, and it descended from a thousand junctures!

I came here on the netherworld to bleed blood.

Go to the end of the underworld.

Passing by the world by chance, and having fun with you.

For the rest of my life.

Only exist to miss you.

 【Part 12】

(End of this chapter)

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