Chapter 1004

This is a battle that took place in the void of chaos. A battle of this magnitude is no longer something that the prehistoric land can bear.

All the people on the prehistoric land can only see the crazy collision between night and day, devouring and tearing each other in the void. On one side, ghosts cry and howl, and on the other side, spiritual clouds flow and stars fill the sky.

But in the sky and on the chaos, the air of chaos was shattered over and over again, the wind, rain, thunder, lightning, water, fire, wood, and soil gathered wildly like torn rules, condensing into a boundless gray curtain, involving everything that came close. Among them, torn to pieces.

"——When did your strength become so strong? No, no, don't come close to me——How dare you burn your soul just to hurt me——No, no, no! Go away!"

"Don't talk nonsense, die!"

"—You bastard! You, do you know that if I die, Honghuang will be completely shattered!"

"It's okay, after all, it has already been broken once, and if it is broken again, it may be safer in the future."

"—If you kill me, you will be backlashed! You have completely become a demon, and Honghuang will not allow you to stay!"

"I didn't want to stay at first. When you die, I will go to the end of Huangquan, the Nether Blood Sea. Her scattered soul will slowly gather there sooner or later, and I will meet her again."

"——I admit defeat! May I give you the position of Lord of the Great Desolation? Don't let me die. I will give you all the laws and power. You will be the Lord of the Great Desolation, the real Lord of the Great Desolation!"

"Power has never been my goal. She is gone, even if she is the lord of the wild, it's too cold to be alone, I don't want it."

"—Most of the Yaozu are dead, even if you are a saint, how long will it take to arrange for them to be reincarnated one by one? I admit defeat, I can help you set up six reincarnations! Don't you want to save the Yaozu?"

"Spending is spending. Every piece of soul passes through my hands. One day, maybe I can find traces of her."

"—Golden Crow! You're crazy! You're really crazy! I'm here for the balance of the prehistoric world, you can understand me, you can—you can't stop killing me, why do you have to force me—"

"Killing for life is justified. I am a very selfish person. I kill you, never for the prehistoric, just to avenge my wife."

The black underworld fire no longer burns the body's blazing heat. This extreme coldness has always only attacked the soul, so it has more restraint on the heavenly way composed of the mind. It is as cold as an iron chain, firmly binding his body.

Tiandao looked around, and the air of chaos rolled up in the burning of the underworld fire, condensing into human faces.

Hongjun who is willing to die for the prehistoric world, the demon who turns into a demon and still confuses the world, the ancient demon god who wanders in the chaos... or screams or howls or sighs or resents, and finally turns into clusters of black flames, Burn his soul away.

" killed so many creatures in order to rule the Great Desolation, and in the end, it was the whole Great Desolation that killed you."

In the black flames, Tiandao's body gradually vanished into nothingness, until those eyes full of unwillingness and resentment, accompanied by roars, completely and gradually dissipated...

"You will never! Never wait for her to come back!"

"She's completely dead!"


The black fire rose violently, annihilating the last consciousness of the Dao of Heaven, and with the annihilation of the Dao of Heaven, the prehistoric land gradually cracked gaps, and the edges of the four major continents collapsed into countless small fragments, scattering in all directions!

 【Part 13】

(End of this chapter)

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