Chapter 2443 accusing her of mental derailment (4)

Wasn't it the scene where Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu staged the fateful couple in the office?
This is not just a video, but also their conversation as evidence, and the time is right after she wants to file a divorce lawsuit.

No need to guess, Shi Zuizui was also furious, and without discussing with her, he directly exposed the couple.

As Wen Tingting expected, Shi Zuizui immediately sorted out some video materials after seeing the news on the Internet. She was afraid that Wen Tingting was still protecting Ding Lun at this time, so she simply acted first.

How dare she frame Wen Tingting, she can't make Ding Lun feel better.

As soon as this video came out, of course it caused a great sensation.

Not long ago, everyone was eating melons and watching the show, discussing whether Wen Tingting and Yang Jian really had an affair.From the way Yang Jian looked at Wen Tingting, he could tell that this man liked Wen Tingting.

I don't know if Wen Tingting also has the same liking for Yang Jian.

The most interesting thing is that everyone is saying that Yang Jian looks at Wen Tingting with warm eyes. If Wen Tingting is really fascinated by Yang Jian's warmth, it is also human nature.

Every woman has the right to pursue happiness.

Since Ding Lun doesn't love Wen Tingting, and Wen Tingting suffered a lot of grievances in this marriage, why can't Wen Tingting find another true love?

This is probably what Ding Lun did not expect before the revelation. Wen Tingting's "spiritual derailment" here would be interpreted in this way by some people. There are even many people who are in favor of Wen Tingting and Ding Lun's divorce and finding true love.

Just when everyone was eating melons, it was revealed that the real cheater was Ding Lun.

The video that was exposed later is called real hammer, they are all hugged together, and there are dialogues to prove it.

Later, some good people exposed the picture of Wen Tingting slapping Ding Lun and angrily scolding Chen Xiaoyu. When this video came out, everyone felt good.

A man like Ding Lun is really cheap.

It was clear that he was having an affair with his first love, and it was he himself who wanted to divorce first, but still poured dirty water on Wen Tingting. Would such a husband not leave for the New Year?
Shi Zuizui was also furious, and released some explosive videos one after another.

Among them, Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu's "love nest" was also exposed, and Ding Lun even lived with Chen Xiaoyu during marriage, which is adultery.

In this way, Ding Lun still has the face to hit the target, claiming that Wen Tingting cheated first, that's nothing.

All these real punches were released, and Ding Lun was of course the worst scumbag who was scolded the worst, even worse than when Lu Sui was scolded as a scumbag when he faked cheating.

As for Chen Xiaoyu, there was no way to step out of the company's gate, because many media reporters flocked here. Although there were security guards to maintain order, the scene got out of control for a while.

Then the security guards were called in, and order was finally maintained.

Both Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu were trapped in the office, unable to leave.

None of them expected that Wen Tingting's counterattack would be so fast, and the video was released on the whole network as soon as she left.

Ding Lun never expected that Wen Tingting would have so much evidence in his hands, let alone that Wen Tingting would be so ruthless that all the videos would be released.

Now let alone win the lawsuit, it is still unknown whether he can get out of it unscathed.

Chen Xiaoyu didn't expect that he would become popular in such a way.Now she and Ding Lun are black people on the Internet, Ding Lun is a scumbag, she is a white lotus, she doesn't understand, she and Ding Lun are a couple in love, she knows Ding Lun first, Wen Tingting is the first The three are more obstacles in her and Ding Lun's relationship. Why do these people scold them.

(End of this chapter)

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