Chapter 2444 Standing Again (1)

Chen Xiaoyu firmly believes that there is nothing wrong with love, the fault is that Ding Lun was forced to marry Wen Tingting.

Therefore, she and Ding Lun are innocent.

Of course, another person is also popular, Zhang Min.

Zhang Min didn't expect that he would be in the mirror, and he was scolded bloody by the public.

This was the fault of Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu, why should she be involved?

She also has a lot of resentment about this.

Until nine o'clock in the evening, the reporter was unwilling to leave, and finally the police were called in, and the reporter was finally sent away.

Ding Lun took Chen Xiaoyu out of the office and found that there were other employees in the company off work.

The moment they saw Chen Xiaoyu, the company staff showed disdainful eyes.These days, instead of being a good person, I prefer to be a mistress who destroys people's marriages.

What's even more ridiculous is that he pretends to be a victim and pretends to be a victim. How can there be such a shameless person?
Under the watchful eyes of his colleagues, Chen Xiaoyu felt more and more wronged as he thought about it, and couldn't help crying.

She just cried out, and everyone booed her. Seeing this, Ding Lun glanced coldly at the company employees who were watching the excitement, and shouted, "Don't you want to do it anymore?!"

Everyone looked back innocently.

They didn't say a word, but out of curiosity, they stayed and worked overtime, wanting to see what kind of expression Chen Xiaoyu, who usually had a pitiful image, would have.

As a result, seeing this made them feel that the most humble people are invincible.

Just as shown in the video, Chen Xiaoyu didn't feel that destroying other people's marriages and families was a bad thing. On the contrary, she felt that it was right for her to be a mistress, so she still had the nerve to cry.

If they were Wen Tingting, they would have divorced Ding Lun long ago.

Ding Lun hurriedly escorted Chen Xiaoyu out of the company gate, and they went to the underground parking lot, suddenly there was a lot of light, and many people gathered around with video cameras and cameras, aiming at him and Chen Xiaoyu's faces and taking snap shots.

Aren't these people who appeared out of nowhere the same as the entertainment reporters who were chased away by the police?

Everyone rushed to ask sharp questions, but Ding Lun pretended to be calm and said nothing.

Chen Xiaoyu kept crying, looking pitiful.

It's just a pity that the paparazzi have no sympathy. Seeing her so stupid, they just took pictures of her as ugly as she wanted.

Some of the microphones directly touched Chen Xiaoyu's face and were squeezed until deformed.

Chen Xiaoyu was anxious and frightened, and cried loudly: "Ding Lun and I fell in love many years ago, and I am not a third party. If there is no Miss Wen, Ding Lun and I would not be together long ago. It is precisely because he is married that he has always been married. You didn't even touch me, he is the best man in the world, I don't allow you to slander him!"

Ding Lun was very moved when he heard this. At this time, Chen Xiaoyu was still protecting him, so he should say a few words.

At that moment, he made a decision, and said to the camera: "The marriage between Wen Tingting and I was achieved under the pressure of my mother. I have never loved Wen Tingting. For so many years, I have always liked Xiaoyu. She didn't Wrong, the wrong person is me. I am obviously married, but I have not avoided suspicion..."

Chen Xiaoyu hurriedly interjected with pride: "No, it's my fault..."

Everyone present was overwhelmed by this pair of men and women.

How could someone make cheating and being a mistress so disgusting that people would want to vomit?
"Since you are so in love with each other, why don't you simply die for love?" One entertainment reporter sarcastically said.

It's ridiculous.

Isn't spiritual cheating cheating?How could Chen Xiaoyu have the face to say that Ding Lun never touched her?

(End of this chapter)

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