Chapter 2445 Standing Again (2)

Ding Lun is still protecting Xiao San'er up to this time, saying in front of the camera that he has never loved Wen Tingting.Since she didn't love her, why didn't she divorce Wen Tingting, let her go free, and even put the blame on Wen Tingting, claiming that Wen Tingting cheated first?

Could it be that Ding Lun could hurt Wen Tingting unscrupulously because he didn't love Wen Tingting?

"Since Mr. Ding says he doesn't love Ms. Wen, why is he unwilling to divorce?" another reporter asked.

Ding Lun didn't think too much, and replied truthfully: "My mother is in a coma, and her favorite is Wen Tingting. I can't..."

Chen Xiaoyu sensed that something was wrong, and wanted to stop him from speaking, but it was still a step too late.

"So it was to keep Ms. Wen and do my filial piety to Mrs. Ding. Mr. Ding is really a filial son. If Mrs. Ding can't wake up for the rest of her life, then Ms. Wen will have to stay in front of the hospital bed all her life to be a filial piety for you Ding Lun." , isn’t it?” Someone sarcastically said.

Boos all over the place.

Ding Lun realized that he had said too many mistakes, and finally shut up.

Surrounded by all the reporters, it was difficult for him to move an inch, and it took him a full hour to get out of the encirclement and get into his car.

He sent Chen Xiaoyu to stay in a nearby hotel, while he surfed the Internet and found that the interview just now had been broadcast live.

As a result, the situation is worse than before.

If it was Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu who were scolded bloody before, then this time even Ding Mu who was in a coma was dragged into the water and was also affected. Some people wished Ding Mu an early death so that Wen Tingting could Get rid of the abnormality of the Ding family as soon as possible.

To be honest, Wen Tingting is not happy to see Ding's mother being implicated.

Ding's mother is a very good person, and we hit it off right away. If you want to find her benefit from this marriage, it is probably meeting a good mother-in-law who treats her like her own daughter.

Wen Tingting decided to clarify the matter as soon as possible because he didn't want Ding's mother to be implicated.

The next day she was interviewed by a major media outlet.

No one expected that Wen Tingting would stand up at this critical moment.Because she was at the center of the storm of public opinion, although everyone turned their targets to Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu, it was the best choice for her to remain silent at this time.

No one knew why Wen Tingting suddenly wanted to be interviewed, until Wen Tingting finished talking about what she had learned and felt after breaking into the mall, she changed the subject and brought up Mother Ding.

"I think Mama Ding is like my relatives. She is a very, very good person. Looking back on those past events now, I find that there are many beautiful people and things. Mama Ding once said that I will make Ding Lun stable. The person who came down. Unfortunately, in the end, I still let her down..."

After that, she also talked about some warm details when she got along with Ding's mother.She said that she also grew up in this marriage and met a very good mother-in-law, but it was just a matter of fate that could not be forced.

The person she mentioned the most was Mother Ding, and she couldn't hide her admiration for Mother Ding in her words.

Although Wen Tingting didn't say it clearly, anyone with a discerning eye knew what she meant. She wanted everyone to calm down and not drag the innocent mother Ding into the water.

Compared with Wen Tingting's generosity, it seems that Ding Lun can't get on the stage.

For a moment, everyone stopped attacking Mother Ding, and turned their heads to comfort Wen Tingting, saying that she is so good, and she will definitely find a man who truly admires her.

(End of this chapter)

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