Chapter 2446 Standing Again (3)

There are also netizens who are very enthusiastic, busy looking for a man for Wen Tingting.Some people think that Yang Jian is a good match, and Wen Tingting is a good match.Although his identity was a bit inferior, he was warm-hearted. Such a man was a thousand times better than a scumbag like Ding Lun.

Wen Tingting saw that so many people were busy introducing partners to him, and wanted to attract CP, he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

She didn't read the comments carefully at first, but one netizen's comment has been pushed to the most prominent position, and it's hard for her not to see it.

The netizen repeatedly emphasized that she should go to Yang Jian to see the look in her eyes.

Out of curiosity, she deliberately found out the video of the night when she fell asleep due to a cold, and watched it carefully.

In fact, she had seen this video before, but she hadn't watched all of it, and she didn't watch it carefully.

It wasn't until she finished watching the whole thing this time that she realized that Yang Jian hadn't closed her eyes that night and had been looking after her by the bed. As for the way Yang Jian looked at her, she didn't know what words to use to express it.

She thought, there was warmth in those eyes, but also worry that couldn't be concealed, maybe there was affection?
Shi Zuizui made fun of Yang Jian with her before, but she never took it seriously.

Because she felt that she was a married woman, and how could Yang Jian be interested in a married woman like her with such a rigid personality?

As it turned out, she was wrong.

The way Yang Jian looked at her could not deceive anyone.

This reminded her of Yang Jian's anxious expression that day when he left and returned.It was because he was worried about her that he turned back to see if she was safe. It was simply because Yang Jian cared about her.

Just when she was in a trance, Yang Jian called and said that she would ask for leave tomorrow morning.

Of course she agreed without hesitation, but she didn't know if she should tell Yang Jian something.

Tell him not to like her anymore?Because she has nothing to repay.

Her experience is very complicated, but Yang Jian, like his name, is a very simple person and should not be dragged into her complicated world.

It might be a disaster for him to like a woman like her.

In the end, she still didn't say anything.

Shi Zuizui told her that people like Yang Jian would leave City Sports Group sooner or later.A city movement group can't hold him back. If he is leaving soon, there is no need to say something.

When Yang Jian came to work the next afternoon, she was still looking clear and bright.

He brought a cup of hot drink and brought it to Wen Tingting.

In the past, Wen Tingting took it for granted, after all, he was her assistant.If you think about it carefully, you can find that Yang Jian often bought food for her, but never reimbursed her.

"Yang Jian..." Wen Tingting stopped Yang Jian, hesitant to speak.

"What else does Boss Wen want?" Yang Jian turned around and asked.

Wen Tingting took a sip of the hot drink, and suddenly forgot what he wanted to say: "Go and do your work, it's okay."

Yang Jian glanced at Wen Tingting suspiciously before leaving the office.

Wen Tingting obviously had something to say to him, but stopped for some reason. Is it because he has been asking for leave frequently recently, making it difficult for her to be the boss?
But there are some things that he really needs time to deal with...

After Ding Lun and Chen Xiaoyu's extramarital affair was exposed, the two were scolded every day, and the popularity remained high.

They were scolded on the Internet, and of course they also encountered strange looks from the staff when they went to the company.

Ding Lun was fine, because he was the boss, no matter how much he despised him, he didn't dare to show it too clearly in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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