Chapter 2447 Standing Again (4)

Chen Xiaoyu was different.

As soon as she appeared, everyone looked at her with disdain.

Being watched by the crowd every day, Chen Xiaoyu was under a lot of mental pressure.Many colleagues don't call her by name, they just call her Chen Xiaosan.

Zhang Min who played well with Chen Xiaoyu is not immune, after all, Zhang Min often shows up in the exposed videos, not only speaking ill of Wen Tingting, but also giving Chen Xiaoyu a trick to destroy other people's marriages. Colleagues call her Zhang Xiaosi .

Only when no one was around, the two of them could catch their breath.

Chen Xiaoyu still can't figure out why so many people are dissatisfied with the fact that she and Ding Lun are in love.

Seeing that she was sighing again, Zhang Min said displeasedly: "This is the end of the matter, you should just treat it as a calamity. If Wen Tingting and Ding Lun's divorce case is so big, they will definitely get divorced."

At that time, Chen Xiaoyu will be able to become an upright Mrs. Ding Lun, and no one will dare to say anything wrong about Chen Xiaoyu.

"But Ding Lun and I are clearly in love, and Miss Wen is the one who intervenes between us. Why should I be cast aside?"

Zhang Min rolled her eyes at Chen Xiaoyu's words, and she blurted out the truth: "You mean it makes sense for you to be a mistress?"

As soon as she said this, she was stunned, and Chen Xiaoyu looked at her in disbelief.

"So in your heart, you also think I'm the third child?" Chen Xiaoyu's eyes turned red.

It never occurred to her that her best friend thought of her in this way.

Seeing that the matter has come to this point, Zhang Min simply opened the conversation: "Whether you and Ding Lun have an old relationship or not, Wen Tingting is the wife of Ding Lun's famous matchmaker. They are husband and wife in the legal sense, and you are married." Outsiders. You can’t use the guise of love and take it for granted that you get involved in other people’s marriages. Do you understand? Don’t say such things to others in the future, it will only make people look down on you more and more. That’s all I have to say, you Think for yourself."

"But before this, didn't you also take it for granted that Ding Lun and I were together?" Chen Xiaoyu burst into tears.

It was clearly Zhang Min who was encouraging her, even Shi Ran said that there was nothing wrong with loving someone, why did everyone say she was wrong until now?

Zhang Min looked back at Chen Xiaoyu: "That's on the premise that the extramarital affair between you and Ding Lun was not exposed. Since it was exposed, it is your fault, because you did intervene in other people's marriages."

She was too lazy to talk to Chen Xiaoyu any more, and walked away quickly.

Only Chen Xiaoyu was left sitting there, hugging his knees and crying bitterly.

Before the accident, they all said she was right.But after the incident, everyone said she was wrong.

What should she do?
Because Ding Lun's extramarital affair was exposed, there was no suspense in their divorce case, and there was no need to continue.

Ding Lun decided to follow the advice of his lawyer and reached an out-of-court settlement.

Originally, he hoped to keep Wen Tingting until the day his mother woke up.

If he had known it would be like this, he shouldn't have been stubborn in the first place.

He had a bad reputation before, but it was beyond his expectation that his reputation had become so bad.

This woman Wen Tingting is indeed his catastrophe.She ruined half of his life, and by the way, his reputation.

Now he is a heartless man and a scumbag in the eyes of the public, but he has never loved Wen Tingting, and even marrying her is a last resort.

No matter how unwilling he is, the matter has come to this point, he can only blame his own fate.

(End of this chapter)

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