Chapter 2488 I hope he is happy (1)

Wen Changdong said impatiently, "What else?"

"I just want to know why my brother doesn't like getting drunk so much. He didn't even want to know her, so he sentenced her to death. Anyway, she is also my brother's own sister, right? How can there be any overnight feud between brothers and sisters?" Wen Wen Tingting asked in puzzlement.

In the past, she had a prejudice against Shi Zuizui, it was because she regarded Shi Zuizui as an imaginary rival in love.

Where did Wen Changdong's hostility towards Shi Zuizui come from? The two did not have a deep enmity, which she couldn't understand.

"Her appearance has changed everything. Now this home is no longer the warm one before. I just hate her and feel uncomfortable when I see her. Anyway, in this home, there is her without me." Wen Changdong finished, Bypass Wenting Pavilion and walk away quickly.

Wen Tingting still wanted to catch up, but Wen Changdong saw through her intention, quickly got into the car, and left Wen's house.

Watching Wen Changdong's car disappear, Wen Tingting was stunned for a while, she had no choice but to turn back.

After walking to the door of the living room, I saw Shi Zuizui waiting there: "Have you failed again as a peacemaker? In my opinion, this kind of thing can't be forced, just let nature take its course."

If this continues, Wen Changdong will hate Wen Tingting.

"He is an older brother anyway, why is he so stingy?" Wen Tingting said angrily.

"He's stingy, you can't imitate him. I guess he's depressed now. You used to be the person you admired the most, but you got close to me, which probably made him psychologically unbalanced. In his heart, I It's the intruder. The person he trusts the most is you, don't turn against him, or I'm afraid he will be used by someone with a heart and go astray." Shi Zuizui expressed his worries.

A person like Wen Changdong is usually spoiled by everyone. Once he is alienated by those close to him, he may do things that harm others and benefit himself if he is not determined.

"It's impossible to turn around. He won't listen to anything now, and I'm afraid that my aunt will take the opportunity to approach him and encourage him to deal with the City Sports Group." Wen Tingting also had the same concerns.

Shi Zuizui thought for a while, then listened to her.

Wen Tingting laughed after listening: "Is it necessary?"

Shi Zuizui wanted her to deliberately alienate her, so that Wen Changdong would not have feelings for her, she felt that this was too exaggerated.

"Just try your bad brother's reaction and you'll know if it's necessary, maybe he's just going to do it." Shi Zuizui said with a smile that wasn't a smile.

Wen Tingting felt that there was some truth in these words, so he might as well give it a try.

At noon the next day, Wen Tingting asked Wen Changdong to have lunch.

Wen Changdong didn't want to talk to Wen Tingting at first, but when he thought of Wen Tingting saying that he had a fight with Shi Zuizui last night, he wanted to know what was going on.

He deliberately dawdled and was 10 minutes late before going to the agreed restaurant.

As soon as Wen Tingting saw him, he pulled him to complain: "After my brother left, I just said a few words to Shi Zuizui to ask her to be more polite to you. Guess what she said?"

Wen Changdong looked at Wen Tingting coldly, not sure if she was teasing him on purpose.

"Brother is too heartless, if I get drunk when I speak for you, don't you feel sorry for me at all?" Wen Tingting said angrily.

"That's your own business, it has nothing to do with me. Don't you have a good relationship with her?" Wen Changdong snorted softly.

Wen Tingting's words can't be trusted, this girl has always been eccentric, maybe she teamed up with Shi Zuizui to trick him.

(End of this chapter)

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