Chapter 2489 I hope he is happy (2)

"That's different. I did change my opinion of her, but my brother and I grew up together. My brother is so good to me, and everything is for my own good. When I was neglected by my mother, my brother was also protecting me. Look at me." Wen Tingting said a long list, then looked at Wen Changdong, corrected his expression and said: "Brother, no matter how heartless I am, I will never forget how much you have spoiled me these years."

It is true that she did speak a little too much last night.

Even if it is the truth, you can't say his fault in front of so many people, it will hurt my brother's heart.

Shi Zuizui's words make sense, she is standing beside Wen Changdong at this time, it is important to stabilize the relationship between siblings.

Wen Changdong's cold expression finally loosened, "Do you still know how much I love you?"

What he was most dissatisfied with was that Shi Zuizui bought Wen Tingting as soon as he showed up.

"It's my fault, brother, please forgive me once. I think, brother is the best brother in the world, bar none." Wen Tingting took Wen Changdong's arm, smiling and narrowing his eyes.

Facing such a smiling face, Wen Changdong could no longer pretend to be serious.

Seeing that he finally smiled, Wen Tingting was also very happy: "Are you happy in the planning department? If you are not happy, I will change the department for you..."

"You want to stuff me into the logistics department again?" Wen Changdong looked at Wen Tingting coldly, and got angry when he mentioned this.

"I originally wanted to use this method to tell my brother that I can't leave the company at will in the future. After all, I am the person in charge of the company. Who knows that my brother is so impatient, and my aunt gave me a little sweetness, and I was immediately cheated away." Wen Wen Tingting is serious and authentic.

Wen Changdong wasn't sure if her words were true or not: "You didn't lie to me?"

Wen Tingting suppressed a smile, opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Of course it's true."

So, my brother is actually quite innocent, such a person is the easiest to be deceived.

"Then which department do you plan to put me in?" Wen Changdong asked curiously.

He really doesn't like the planning department, it would be best if he could change to another department.

As soon as Wen Tingting heard this, he knew there was something going on.

She pretended to think for a while, and then said: "Otherwise, I can go to any department I want to go to. But because each department has a specific position, it is impossible for me to be the supervisor of whichever department I go to, so I can only arrange it for me. job vacancy."

Wen Changdong frowned upon hearing this: "You want me to be an ordinary employee?"

"No, I want my brother to learn something first. When the time comes, and my brother has achieved results, it is justified to promote him." Wen Tingting discussed the matter.

She is the person in charge of Chengyun Group, so she can't act according to her personal preferences, otherwise the whole company will be messed up.

"Then why should I bother, can I just stay in the planning department?" Wen Changdong disagreed.

He is a shareholder of the company, if he is asked to be an ordinary employee, then he will definitely not do it.

"I'm happy as long as I'm happy. No matter which department I'm in, I'm doing things for the Urban Transport Group. I know I'm doing things properly." Wen Tingting expected that Wen Changdong would not want to make changes.

She and Wen Changdong have been brothers and sisters for so many years, how could she not know about her brother's temperament?

He has always liked a relaxed and free environment, and he doesn't like to be restrained in his work, because he was born in a wealthy family like the Wen family, and conditions allow him to be free and unrestrained.

But if he changed his growth environment, his situation might be different from what it is now.

No matter what, he is her own brother, so there is no doubt that he treats her well.

The top priority is not to let him go astray. As a younger sister, she has such a responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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