Chapter 2606 Bad his good deeds (1)

"Passing by." Nie Zhiyuan said concisely.

Shi Zuizui sneered, his words were more or less deceiving a three-year-old child.

"Would you like to come into my house and sit for a while?" Shi Zuizui asked with a smile.

Nie Zhiyuan couldn't ask for it, and was about to agree, Shi Zuizui then said: "Farewell, for a busy person like Mr. Nie, it's rare to pass by our house, so why waste time?"

After speaking, she drove into the house.

Nie Zhiyuan watched Shi Zuizui disappear through the door with his car, and wondered how could there be such an unlovable woman in this world?So Lu Suineng could bear this woman.

When Shi Zuizui entered the living room, he found that Lu Wan was chatting with Lou Qin.

The twins are very well-behaved and nest together to do homework.

"Did you finish filming so quickly today?" Shi Zuizui inquired about the situation indiscriminately.

"I didn't go today, I'm staying at home." Lu Wan replied honestly without doubting it.

Shi Zuizui instantly understood that it was because Lu Wan didn't go to the set that Nie Zhiyuan wandered outside her house.

"Zui Zui's smile is so nasty." Lou Qin's sharp eyes saw the presumptuous smile on Shi Zui Zui's face.

Shi Zuizui hurriedly closed her mouth, but she couldn't help laughing.

Nie Zhiyuan was so forthright when he divorced before, but now he is better, and the retribution comes so quickly.My wife didn't keep it, now I want to get it back, it's hard!
While the living room was buzzing, someone wanted to come in, they were Zeng Ni, Bian Sai and Wen Tianhao.

Seeing Shi Zuizui staring at him, Wen Tianhao explained: "Xiaoni and the frontier have business to discuss with me."

To be honest, not only Yao Lijun obeyed Shi Zuizui's words, but even Wen Tianhao was a little afraid of this daughter.

Shi Zuizui snorted softly, but didn't answer.

In her opinion, once Zeng Ni entered this house, it would not be so easy to leave. She knew this woman's virtue.

Frontier fortresses are not vegetarians either, and when the couple came to Wen's house, something might happen.

"Be careful with the frontier." Shi Zuizui warned Lou Qin.

"Are you suffering from an occupational disease again?" Lou Qin felt that Shi was drunk.

Shi Zuizui patted Lou Qin's shoulder: "No way, you have to target me, whoever makes me the head of the clan hall, anyone may be a criminal suspect!"

Lou Qin stared at Shi Zuizui like a monster.

Shi Zuizui pinched her face, treating her like a toy, making her unable to complain.

Lou Qin didn't take this matter to heart, but Shi Zuizui didn't dare to be careless.Lou Qin is not only her good friend, but also her benefactor, so she has to protect Lou Qin no matter what.

It's a pity that she is not at home usually, so she can't keep an eye on Lou Qin all the time.

"It's not an option for you to stay at home all the time, why not go to work in the ancestral hall." Shi Zuizui suggested to Lou Qin.

There are few women in the world who are as unmotivated as Lou Qin.

"I want to take care of the children at home, what kind of work do I have?" Lou Qin refused without saying a word.

"The twins have both gone to school recently, and they are at home after school. When you get off work, they will also leave school, which does not affect you to take care of the children."

Originally, being a housewife was not a problem, but Lou Qin's entire life was focused on her children, which seemed a bit morbid.

At the same time, it also shows that for Lou Qin, Britney is very important.

"But I have to pick up Xiao Tiantian from school." Lou Qin found a good reason.

"It's not a problem if you want to pick up Xiao Tiantian from school. Usually, you just leave work early. I'm the owner of the museum, so I have the final say." Shi Zuizui wanted to see what kind of excuses Lou Qin could find.

(End of this chapter)

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