Chapter 2607 Bad his good deeds (2)

"But..." Lou Qin still wanted to make a dying struggle.

Under Shi Zuizui's gaze, she murmured: "I don't want to go to work."

"You can't stop working all your life, can you?" Shi Zuizui calmly said.

She found that Lou Qin, a woman, was a little sick. This kind of sickness was because she was too dependent on Xiao Tiantian.

"Anyway, I have you to support me, and I won't starve to death. When you don't support me, I will go out to work!" Lou Qin said, hugging Shi Zuizui's arms.

Shi Zuizui pulled out his hand and said with a sneer, "From today onwards, I won't support you! You have to pay the accommodation fee if you live in my house, otherwise you will live with your husband!"

"My husband?" Lou Qin didn't realize for a moment who her husband was.

Seeing her so confused, Shi Zuizui secretly felt sorry for Zheng Yong.Looking at what woman Zheng Yong married, Lou Qin didn't regard him as his own family at all.

"You even forgot your husband?" Lu Wan also found it funny and asked.

It took Lou Qin a while to realize that they were talking about Zheng Yong.

That's just a fake husband. Sooner or later, she will break up. What's so strange about her not being able to remember?
In the end, she still did not compromise, and felt that she would not starve to death without working.

Her idea is actually very simple, spend more time with this child while Xiao Tiantian is still young.When the child grows up in the future, she will have her own life, and she can't depend on Wen's family for the rest of her life.

Now muddling along, no problem.

"Xiaoqin's affection for Xiaotiantian is deeper than we imagined. That's right, Xiaoqin raised Xiaotiantian in a foreign country and regarded the child as his only relative. Now that the child returns to your mother, She must be reluctant." After Lou Qin went upstairs, Lu Wan pulled Shi Zuizui to chat.

She also knows Shi Zuizui's worries, but Lou Qin's thinking is different from ordinary people, and some things cannot be forced.

"It is because she has devoted so much effort to Xiao Tiantian that I hope she can shift the focus of her life. She is not young anymore, and she has lived for Xiao Tiantian from before to now. She should plan for herself ?”

Shi Zuizui was also powerless to complain.

Lou Qin is married to a young talent like Zheng Yong, but he doesn't know how to seize the opportunity, and spends all his time on Xiao Tiantian. How else can Lou Qin be stupid?
They were so absorbed in the chat that he didn't notice that the frontier was standing not far away and heard their conversation, which made him think about it.

All along, he has never been able to find a chance to get close to Lou Qin, but now he seems to have a good reason.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Lou Qin was watching TV when he suddenly received a call from the school teacher.The teacher claimed that Britney got into a fight with her classmate, injured her classmate and injured her own arm.

Lou Qin was still thinking about when Xiao Tiantian became so violent, but when he heard that Xiao Tiantian was injured, he immediately became concerned, and left Wen's house as quickly as possible.

As soon as she ran out of Wen's house, a car stopped in front of her.

"What happened? Where are you going in such a hurry?" The driver was the frontier.

Lou Qin was a little surprised to meet a frontier fortress here, and she hurriedly replied: "Xiao Tiantian was injured in a fight with a classmate, I'm going to school to see."

"I'll drop by, let's take you there, get in the car quickly." Bian Sai said and opened the car door.

Lou Qin saw that there were no taxis nearby, so he got into the taxi without thinking too much.

At first she was worried about Xiao Tiantian's injury, and she was out of her mind. It took about ten minutes for her to feel that the road conditions were not right.

(End of this chapter)

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